- Toggles to Hide Given Subsets of Counters and Strings. Requests to wipe or hide strings/counters with values of blank/0 have already been made HERE. Additional suggestions for hiding include a toggle to hide all built-in counters.
- Initialization of New Values. Input the name of the counter/string to be initialized in the first field, and the value in the other. In any case where the given counter/string already exists, possible options include: denying the change but noting the desired counter/string already exists; declaring that the given counter/string already exists and then asking if the user wants to override the previously-existing value; setting the given counter/string at the new value without a declaration.
- Display of All Readable Built-In Counters and Strings. Some important ones are special-cased in (e.g. MZX_SPEED), but most are cased out. Special care should be taken in suddenly setting some of these values. Should ones that are write-only, such as bimesg, be visible in the F11 menu?
- Find/Replace. Find for both name and value scopes, replace for value scopes. Find as a name scope is probably extraneous for most usages, but even for names, shift+key jumping may not be effective enough, depending on the code and how many similarly-named counter/strings it uses.
- Different Interface For Editing Strings. INPUT STRING boxes are really, really limited in size. A different interface would be preferable, something more akin to the scroll editor except nowhere near as horrible Concerns about the limited setting have been already made HERE.
- Display of Local Values of Robots on Current Board. Just displaying r#.counter values would work but there's probably more user-friendly ways to display that crap, considering each listed Robot can have in excess of 30 locals set. Perhaps a different window with listed Robots by id followed by current name, and clicking on the name expands to a list of its local counters and values? pfff.
Probably some other things I'm forgetting, and I'm sure some of these suggestions have pitfalls / just plain suck. At any rate, they're condensed into one thread now.