A Hero's Utopia
Originally when your movements for the day are up your character is left just standing there while your movement count rests at zero. You are then required to hit E to end your turn in order to allow for other players to then make their moves. In the state of exhaustion you can still open various windows to check your stats and status. What I've decided to do is make the movements counter something more relative to the horse your on. So I can add new types of horses you can purchase that may be faster than other ones. Also when your horse is exhausted (movement counter reaches zero) a window will prompt you asking if you would like to end your turn because your horse is unable to move for the day. Rather than before when new users may be left confused as to why they cant move and wondering what they are suppose to do when they cant move.
Adding new options and windows so you can check on the state of your army, castle and see how well your doing compared to the other players. Also, there were some windows that in the past would not exit when the player hit X. This has been fixed as of last night. I will soon be adding the ability for the player to use the mouse to close windows as well as open them. This is a very mouse orientated video game. While on map and in battles the mouse will be required. A few short keys will be present but in general, you will need the mouse.
In my previous post I mentioned make it possible to build structures. I may still do this but I don't think I will actually graphically represent these structures. May just have it show your castle and below a list in words of the structures you have constructed. Would rather spend the time drawing the armies and monsters rather than structures you'd only see once in a window. The structures that you can build, will depend on what type of race you are. All races can build a stable however, and a stable is where you can purchase new types of horses to move your men farther within a turn.
When you construct a structure, over a period of time, certain men will be available for you to recruit to your army. I haven't considered what will happen yet when an enemy has made his way to your castle entrance. Thinking maybe the player could designate certain units to protect the castle or have your basic militia defend it. Haven't worked that situation out yet.
Hopefully when I get home tonight I will start working on:
- The popularization of rogue enemies on the map. Perhaps every week, enemies will replenish all over the map in their native areas.
- The list of structures you can build with a list of units you can recruit within them and when you can.
- Make it so enemy armies will have to return to their castle to recruit more men if low
- Make it so enemies engage battles with rogue enemies and based on the difference of strength loses or wins; gaining experience if won or returning to castle if lost. I'll introduce a bit of AI here so that they can determine if they should fight certain enemies based on the size and strength of their current army.
- Reduce luck of a player if he decides to recruit men not of his race (sounds racist, I know)
- Have some weaker rogue enemies request to join your army if they feel defeated
- Dice Roll for all players at start of game.
- Hard, Medium and Easy difficulties added to main menu. In Easy difficulty the enemies' odds of creating a high strength hero are very low. Game default will be set to Medium. In the Hard difficulty, the odds are against you and you can only win by strategy not by numbers.
An early screenshot of A Hero's Utopia
I've since removed the view controls being that of a hawk - All players will have the same view size. However, like classic roll playing games I'm thinking about having it so the players at the beginning of the game (including CPU's) "roll a dice" and get a total of points that you can then distribute to various stats for your hero: Strength, Luck, Movement, Speed and Intelligence.
This post has been edited by T-Bone: 25 May 2011 - 09:25 PM