Got bored last night after playing FALL OUT 3 for the first time. Decided to play around in MegaZeux, using similar systems I've learned about while playing FALL OUT. These little interesting elements I've noticed a lot of MegaZeuxers are leaving out of their games. These elements can really help bring realism to any game you are creating. Here's some of the elements I have played around with:
Given enemies hearing ranges. So if a loud noise is made they come to investigate the source, if in range. The player too has a hearing range. I've used this element in many of my games including Super Mario. The player shouldn't hear something that's far away. HOWEVER when I was playing fallout i noticed that when a very loud noise has been generated far away from the player, you can still hear it... just faintly. So I added a couple different sound effects, of different distances to help add depth to any game. If a loud event has occurred, out of the players range of sight and hearing. Enemies will still interactive with the occurrence. For instance if an enemy has been shot from far away and its death is noisy, Enemies may hear the sound of of the impacts not the shots and become alert to a hostile situation. For fun, I played around with environmental noise that the player can hear if in range. A group of crows can be seen and heard "cawing" on top of electric poles and on top of tree tops. If your near a dead body, a distance of about 5 spaces you will hear the sound of flies. This only occurs however if the body has been diseased for a period of time.
When you walk, your footsteps sound effects change depending on what your walking on - grass, dirt, stone, glass, rubble, wood...etc. this is a technique I've been using for many years in my top down games.
I think we've all out done the use of RANDNB and SEEK directional commands when creating an enemy that is chasing the player. I've decided to create an AI, that gives the enemies a sight radius and memory. If the enemy has spotted you within his sight range (all enemies have various sight-range) he will then memorize, breifly the location he saw you at, and he will go an investigate that location - even if you have you moved away from that location.
Enemies can also seek out other foes and attack them, if they spot eachother. Rare occations.
One of the neat things I've been playing around with is the ability to interactive with everything, even terrain. By pressing against objects, like a fence, will generate a noise with a specific range of sound that can be heard by enemies or startle creatures. Pressing ENTER will hit or grab objects. This is a great way to get the attention of an enemy and distract it. It is also a way to literally "touch" anything even enemies.
When you come across a container, body or box - you have the ability to search it. If you have special skills such as medicine, you get an extra options to examine dead bodies to determine the cause of death. When you search an object, all its contents will be categorized and it will display an amount to the right of each. So you can decide to take a specific number of an item rather than just 1 item that is worth an amount. you also have the option to TAKE ALL. This option will take all items and all of each of those items.
I've given every item a weight value. So say if you have 6 Pistols and each weight a value of 3. This would mean you are carrying a total weight value of 18 (6 pistols x weight value of 3). You then have the ability to go into your inventory and remove certain items or remove a couple units of one item, to lighten your load. Some items are special and you cannot drop them. I may make all items CUSTOMFLOOR, this why they will forever will remain on the maps and you can re-pick them up again later if needed.
You can run by holding down the LEFT SHIFT key while moving. If your items total a wight value that is greater than your weight carrying limit, you will not be able to run. Running increases your chances of being spotted by a scouting enemy. I may add the ability to even crawl as well to help reduce your chances of being seen by an enemy, even more.
When you fire a weapon, when the bullet impacts anything, a unique impact should is generated. This adds so much more realism to any MegaZeux game. With eneimes just the sound of a grunt isn't all that great. The combination of various pain sounds and an impact sound depending on what type of weapon hit them... sounds so much greater.
I can post a DEMO of this if anyone is interested. It will seriously help your games a lot!
This post has been edited by T-Bone: 17 October 2011 - 11:08 PM