What are you playing?
Posted 04 February 2015 - 02:39 AM
Plot is slightly original for the time, you're a dragon who discovers a human child shipwrecked into the dragon's dimension... and then she returns to the human world, calling for help. But dragons can't survive in the human world so you turn into a human, and slowly uncover the reasons why dragons died out in the human world, or something. And there's an evil empire of demons to fight.

Posted 26 February 2015 - 11:24 PM
- CrossCode - Demo only at this point but a really polished one, with a couple hours of playable material in it at least. I think I mentioned it not too long ago in another of my incredibly infrequent posts, but basically, it's old-school SNES action RPG meets some super slick modern gameplay mechanics. It's a great showcase of the state of the art in javascript as a gaming platform. They just started crowd funding, so try it out and support them if you like it.
- Kerbal Space Program - I doubt this one is going to be news to most people, but I picked up KSP seven months ago or so and it's still crazy fun. It's also representative of another trend in most of the games I've seemed to be interested in of late: games for engineers. I love that it's basically a rocketry/aerospace toolkit that then says: "Okay, here's some parts, now figure out how to get to space. Now figure out how to land on the moon. Now figure out how to land on other planets. Now figure out..." Just the logistical and engineering challenge of figuring out how to do practical, physically consistent (to a large degree anyway) spaceflight, effectively teaching myself basic rocket science in the process, something about that is intensely satisfying.
- Infinifactory - I guess another common theme here is Minecraft-alikes. Granted, the way I play Minecraft (and I'm still playing that too), it's also a game for engineers, and hell, that's actually Zachtronics tagline. And given that Minecraft is actually a clone of previous Zachtronics title Infiniminer, it's probably clear where the inspiration for Infinifactory actually comes from. In any case, after loving SpaceChem (I'm in that 2% of people who actually beat that game), I couldn't not pick this up. Even though it's technically "Early Access", it's basically a finished game now, with everything else to follow just being more extra blocky factory goodness.
- Space Engineers - This one I just picked up over a Steam sale last weekend, so we'll see if it ends up having staying power. Right now this is definitely the least polished on this list, and the most likely to end up being a novelty to me. That said, it does hit all of the areas that have been attracting my interest lately: open-ended engineering problems with a Minecraft blocky sandbox paradigm, IN SPACE. Fun times.
"Everything is better in space."
..Ignorance is to be unaware of the truth.
....Incompetence is to be unable to grasp the truth.
......And escape is to run away from the truth.
It is useless to run, since the truth is right next to you.
Posted 27 February 2015 - 01:23 PM
Wervyn, on 26 February 2015 - 06:24 PM, said:
I really liked what I played of CrossCode. I think that they should sprinkle a few more puzzles about it--for example, dialogue-heavy parts like the ship could really go for a hidden puzzle room. (Though really there is a room like this at that point anyway.) It froze when that guy in weird garb appeared, which I just assumed was the end of the demo.
This post has been edited by CJA: 27 February 2015 - 01:23 PM
Posted 27 February 2015 - 05:06 PM
"Ha-HA! Balls."
..Ignorance is to be unaware of the truth.
....Incompetence is to be unable to grasp the truth.
......And escape is to run away from the truth.
It is useless to run, since the truth is right next to you.
Posted 03 March 2015 - 02:21 AM
Posted 03 March 2015 - 02:35 AM

<Malwyn> Yes, yes. Don't worry I'd rather masturbate with broken glass than ask you for help again. :(
Posted 03 March 2015 - 02:41 AM
"Oh this is just Serenity all over again."
..Ignorance is to be unaware of the truth.
....Incompetence is to be unable to grasp the truth.
......And escape is to run away from the truth.
It is useless to run, since the truth is right next to you.
Posted 03 March 2015 - 09:10 AM
Wervyn, on 03 March 2015 - 12:41 PM, said:
greenlight is not the gatekeeper it used to be. bit of a mixed blessing there. it's easier than ever to get on steam, but steam is not the guarantor of success it once was.

<Malwyn> Yes, yes. Don't worry I'd rather masturbate with broken glass than ask you for help again. :(
Posted 06 March 2015 - 05:07 AM
Also picked up a ton of retro stuff to play, I've always had a bit of the retro game collecting bug, but hanging out with some new kids who are also into it, along with Nash getting back into it, has gotten me forking over even more money on the stuff. Some stuff on my plate:
-Castle of Illusion (Genesis)
-Golden Axe 2 (Genesis)
-Whomp Em! (NES)
-VICE: Project Doom (NES)
-Mega Man Legends (PS1)
-Quarth (GB)
-Rollerball (NES)
-Adventures of Lolo 3 (NES)
-Kwirk: The Chiller Tomato (GB)
-Psychic World (Game Gear)
-Terranigma (US SNES Repro)
All while waiting for Type 0 for PS4 and the FF15 demo

Posted 31 March 2015 - 02:27 AM

Posted 10 April 2015 - 03:07 PM
djtiesto, on 09 April 2015 - 10:19 PM, said:
Looks like it's coming out on Windows later, I'll probably check it out then.
"The fact that I say I've one of the best, is called honesty." -Akwende
"Megazeux is not ment to be just ASCII, it is ANSI!" - T-bone6
"I hate it when you get all exo on me." - emalkay
Exophase can what Rubi-cant.
exoware is ware ur ware is exoware
ps. not loking 4 new membrs kthx
Posted 11 April 2015 - 05:31 PM
I finally finished playing through Stacking (didn't collect everything though), and I'm also playing through Okami-Den on the DS (very slowly, much to Wervyn's frustration). Speaking of games by DoubleFine, Broken Age 2 is out later this month. Looking forward to that!
"When Wervyn was going to space camp I was memorizing Return of the Jedi. Who's the REAL quote master?!"
Posted 13 April 2015 - 01:55 AM

Posted 16 April 2015 - 04:56 PM
djtiesto, on 12 April 2015 - 08:55 PM, said:
I REALLY like it so far. It has a lot of cut scenes, but I'm playing for the story anyway, so that works out

Posted 09 May 2015 - 02:42 PM
Also, Darkest Dungeon is worth looking at... dark, challenging, stylish rogue-like.
Posted 20 May 2015 - 04:25 AM
Posted 24 May 2015 - 05:03 PM

Posted 27 May 2015 - 02:55 AM
Posted 28 May 2015 - 08:38 PM
"Potion of Confusing": Solve all the puzzles, hold second one as you hold a pencil, and save gibbering mouthers from the king's army.
Posted 12 July 2015 - 10:59 PM
I'll need to either upgrade my hardware or overclock my already-overclocked Xeon even higher* to play the third game in this series, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it just as much if not more when I do.
*it is very hard to cheaply upgrade the CPU on a socket 1366 motherboard :(

<Malwyn> Yes, yes. Don't worry I'd rather masturbate with broken glass than ask you for help again. :(
Posted 13 July 2015 - 04:06 AM

Posted 16 July 2015 - 04:00 PM
LISA: MEH I bought this out of a nostalgia crave and it's been pretty disappointing so far.
Terraria: I paid enough attention to get iron ore this time, but lost interest again.
Posted 16 July 2015 - 07:30 PM
i'll probably have abyss odyssey on my laptop during mzxcon weekend if i can get my video driver working by then. if anyone has it or is willing to bring a controller (DS3 ok) and wants to try co-op ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
xx̊y (OST) - HELLQUEST (OST) - Zeux I: Labyrinth of Zeux (OST) (DOS OST)
w/ Lancer-X and/or asgromo: Pandora's Gate - Thanatos Insignia - no True(n) - For Elise OST
MegaZeux: Online Help File - Keycode Guide - Joystick Guide - Official GIT Repository
Posted 02 August 2015 - 04:25 AM

Posted 02 August 2015 - 07:12 AM
djtiesto, on 02 August 2015 - 02:25 PM, said:
I love the soundtrack so much. Also, things like the spider ball made it one of the most explorable early Metroid games. I legitimately prefer it as a game to both Metroid and Super Metroid. (I've never played anything after those 3)

<Malwyn> Yes, yes. Don't worry I'd rather masturbate with broken glass than ask you for help again. :(
Posted 02 August 2015 - 10:39 PM
Lancer-X, on 02 August 2015 - 01:12 AM, said:
this. metroid 2's chozo ruins is my favorite metroid music ever probably. i found the game, as a whole, a lot creepier and more effective atmospherically than the other entries in the series (especially the latter ones). seeing the metroids gradually grow and become more horrifying and deadly was pretty great
xx̊y (OST) - HELLQUEST (OST) - Zeux I: Labyrinth of Zeux (OST) (DOS OST)
w/ Lancer-X and/or asgromo: Pandora's Gate - Thanatos Insignia - no True(n) - For Elise OST
MegaZeux: Online Help File - Keycode Guide - Joystick Guide - Official GIT Repository
Posted 04 August 2015 - 09:41 PM
Anyways I started playing Mother 1 (Earthbound Beginnings) on the Wii U Virtual Console. It's the only one of the 3 Mother games I haven't played. It's grindy in that 8-bit way but for some reason I'm enjoying that...
And I've also started Suikoden Tierkries, which isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. It's missing the political drama so popular with the other Suikoden games but still has the cool castle-building and character recruitment elements. Encounter rate is a bit high (but not as bad as Mother 1!!!). A much better game than Suikoden 4 and I think I like this more than 3... (I did like Suikoden Tactics though, aside from the poor storyline the battles were challenging as hell).

Posted 05 August 2015 - 12:35 AM
In terms of balance, it is among a certain crowd of early RPGs that clearly did not get a playthrough in its final state before release because nobody would consider it acceptable - but there is something compelling about struggling against a broken system. I don't think it's really worse than, say, Romancing SaGa in that respect.
EDIT: The game also had an amazing soundtrack - probably the best on the NES.

<Malwyn> Yes, yes. Don't worry I'd rather masturbate with broken glass than ask you for help again. :(