Dr Lancer-X, on 05 May 2016 - 05:40 AM, said:
While it's a shame about Bernie, I admit I'm kind of excited to see how the Trump vs Hillary contest will play out. Everyone's been saying Hillary's been pretty much guaranteed since the start and that Trump had virtually no chance of winning the nomination-- even the normally fantastic FiveThirtyEight was waay off the mark. Now things don't look quite as certain.
Nate Silver was the biggest loser of this election by far. And he just kept on taking those Ls. For someone whose analysis is so built off polls, he was very tone deaf to what they actually said. (I do think the 'elite' such as Silver tend to live in a bubble and aren't very aware of what's going on outside the ivory tower) Not to mention, after every "unexpected" Trump win, he countered with a post saying how "this means nothing", "things can still change", "what this actually shows is <reason why Trump won't be nominated>". It wasn't until the day he won Indiana and Cruz conceded, that 538 finally admitted what actually happened.
I'll admit, I did think it was gonna be Jeb until Iowa/NH, then Marco... once Marco lost Florida, then I knew Trump had it in the bag, even if it would take him a while to get there...
The Hillary vs Trump race, I'm not so sure. At first I'd think Hillary has it in the bag, but:
-Trump's got heavy appeal in rust-belt swing states, where lots of factory jobs went away due to trade deals supported by Hillary, such as NAFTA.
-Trump's got the south covered.
-New York may go either way. Do we go for the carpetbagger or the NYer born and bred? Long Island, Staten Island, and the rust-belt upstate cities LOVE Trump. While urban minorities obviously don't...
-The midwest usually goes Republican, but they weren't so hot on Trump during the primary.
-Hillary and the DNC aren't doing a good job of welcoming those first-time voters and independents who supported Bernie into the fold. Questionable behavior during the primaries by the DNC such as disenfranchisement have left a sour taste in the mouths of a lot of these people. These people may either vote Trump (notice Trump in his tweets talking about how Bernie got screwed by the Democratic party?) or stay home.
-Hillary has minorities down pat, but minorities don't vote much. She also has older women, who definitely do. But Trump may be able to win over minorities, women, and independents with a strategic VP pick.
The map will certainly look different from the "United States of Canada vs. Jesusland" split popular in the last few election cycles.