Wervyn, on 23 June 2016 - 02:38 PM, said:
Indeed. Creators of games should have the opportunity to weigh in on whether they still want their games to be played. That's why starting now MZX will automatically encrypt all legacy games with a random 256-bit AES key, which will then be appended to the game in a secure envelope using ECDSA, with the game author's public key. We have emailed unique private keys to the game authors, so in order to play any game, all you have to do is contact the author and send them the digital envelope, so that they can decide on a case-by-case basis who will be allowed to play their game. We're confident this system will put control of valuable MZX IP firmly in the hands of those to whom it belongs.
This is a good move. I think the majority of authors want their games to be played. I, for one, have always wanted my games to be playable by the maximum number of people possible, and am excited to continue to do so into this new era.
I've finalised a set of introductory rates for my games, and I am pleased to announce that, for a limited time being, you can get the following:
For those who want it all, you can obtain a one-time license to all Lancer-X games for only $99.99. Or if you're on a budget, but still want a good time, I'm also offering cloud subscriptions at a rate of $4.99 a month, during which you can play any Lancer-X games you like. I must stress that all rates are introductory, so you'd better get in early while they last!
I'm also eager to explore new opportunities to offer different kinds of content appropriate for the new era! You can look forward to the following:
- Five fiendish new puzzles in Things!
- Summer and winter outfits for Sophia in red!
- A crazy new game mode in augh!
- Alternate storyline in Taoyarin in which it is revealed Sadie and Sara are twins!
...and Microtransactions!
- Stuck on a puzzle in Things? For $0.49 you can skip ANY level!
- Running out of healing items in &? Get some handy Real Money™ Potions from the online store to help you make it though!
- Access powerful Real Money™ weapons and armour in red, in order to gain that extra edge in combat. NOTE: Real Money™ equipment can only be combined with other Real Money™ equipment.
- Don't want to play Necroscathe at all? Me neither! For $0.99 you can skip straight to the credits!