mod "Linkin Park - In The End (Converted_by_ModPlug_Tracker)"
Dr Lancer-X, on 15 September 2016 - 08:13 PM, said:
i think there's lots of room for exploring social justice in megazeux. perhaps we could do a game jam thing along those lines. lots of philosophical space to explore
Bramble, on 15 September 2016 - 08:50 PM, said:
why not go the whole hog and integrate politics and religion? what we need is some good christian mzx games, the purpose of which is to drive the user to a conversion experience after they're defeated by a final boss aptly called "Sin" or "Trump," for godsakes
Dr Lancer-X, on 15 September 2016 - 09:22 PM, said:
all these themes shall be explored in my upcoming megazeux game "we will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism". our plucky protagonist and xir lawyer hit the campaign trail as an aging reality tv plutocrat and a poorly reanimated corpse of a dead political dynasty fight it out to see who will get to make the tough decisions to do nothing about health care, economic inequality, racism, terrorism, global conflict and the jews. in the midst of a patriotism-fuelled haze we explore once and for all if the american dream is dead (it is), if your student loans will ever be forgiven (they won't be) and most importantly, what to do when your puppet presidential candidate dies two weeks from the first debate (unfortunately bernie's supporters all hate you now)
oh my god I really have a sickening urge to make a game like this (in a game jam, DoZ, QDoZ or BKZX) even though I know it will only bring me trepidation and regret
Need a dispenser here.