Post Your Project History!
Posted 21 March 2006 - 05:22 AM
MZX Projects likely abandoned:
1) Untitled Newbie Game (1996)
First thing I wanted to do was create a MegaMan-type game. But of course, I had trouble making good weapon engines then. (Hey, back then the bar was much, much lower). I thought it was stupid to continue, thank God.
2) Controller (1997)
If I can remember correctly, it was somewhat cliched. It involved a typical hero, a typical sultry sorceress, an introverted archer woman, a wizard who destroyed himself to save everyone (but not really) and some bad interparty relationship drama. The sorceress making a really overt advance on main hero guy caused archer woman to part ways with them due to misunderstanding; after that, she become the main character. PLOT TWIST! It was to be a dramatic PS-esque perspective RPG; it eventually morphed into Zinna backstory. I.. apologize for the plot, seriously.
3) Ae [a.k.a. Aedelin] (1997)
It was a multi-path text-based exploration game which depended on ability scores to determine branchings (instead of different inventory items). This was pre-spider, and I was bitten by the ambition bug, so I really had a time keeping things manageable. It imploded after I lost direction, right after the first town was done. Think Genesis Shadowrun but with less repetition and with a typical fantasy setting.
4) The Golden Circle (1997-1998)
It was a Lolo clone, but it had a lot of unique items in it like a potion that would make the player grow vines (useful for removing the Leadfoot obstacles without wasting ammo). It had around ten levels done (of 50 - 7 per bloc plus a final level), but was eaten by MZX when a mod I set to play on one board left so little room in memory that when I saved the MZX file it gave me an error and ate the MZX file. Poof. I only had two boards backed up and no global. I'm very disappointed in this because I had developed a puzzle-reset engine and lots of other neat things. I toyed with resurrecting it but I don't quite remember how the levels I did design went. (I had everything else written down; I worked on this game's concepts during slow periods in 1998 summer school).
4) Zinna (1999)
Typical omniRPG. Humor-driven, with the intention to use as many cliches in the most novel way as possible. I had a lot of character and stylistic development for it at least. Store engine is in the archive; only thing I've released so far, and only released it post-mortem after some inquiries. Obligatory GAAAK, ACK, NOOO about its quality here.
5) Cresent RPG (2002)
Another project Ome wanted me to do the guts of, with her doing the design/plot. We got almost nowhere. However, we decided that the battle system would be 3+1 player; one player would sit out in a lawnchair laughing his/her ass off while everyone else fought. If the three fighting were KOed, the one would have to fight it alone and couldn't revive the other three. Also, we made a status condition "ON FIRE".
MZX Projects I might work on some time (but don't count on it):
1) Angelic Stream (2001)
Non-linear horizontal shooter. Anim?-flavored; to make the "one-ship" thing work with the plot, all of the playable characters are female scientists because of lack of men and female space force officers still alive. Each ship played differently (for speed, spread, power, defense, balance).
2) Bound Intrinsic SX (2002)
Detailed here. Would be cleaned up to the level of a very short but release-level game.
3) Taken (2002)
A reverse Pipe Dream-esque game where the goddess of death goes psychotic and decides that no one is worthy to live, so you (as the goddess of redemption) must astrally rift through space to arrive to targets first. You have a limited amount of energy to travel, are forced in whatever direction you're facing, and can randomly place lines of clear pathway down. The objective is to gather enough spare energy to make a "jump"; energy will be placed on the board. I also planned a few obstacles, such as warped space (random piece that changes often but cannot be replaced) and weak space that can slam together and kick you out of the nth plane.
4) ...and All This Shall Entail (2003; ZZT)
An attempt at a non-linear story-driven ZZT game; realistic urban setting. Was constantly asked "Why do this in ZZT?" by several ZZTers, most notably Funk.
3) Casual (2004)
An exploration game. One would arrive in a desolate city, and eventually find out what happened to where it was suddenly abandoned. Or not, depending on the wishes of the player. Involved a few optional S-RPG battles (they could be toggled off). Tixus wanted to merge one of his games and this game together, as they were very similar, but I'm not sure what happened to that at all.
4) Untitled Herbalist Game (2005)
A very involved game about growing/finding/selling herbs. However, you could take it several different ways. Outside of the expected growing/selling parts, one could do a significant amount of fighting and arcana, depending on specialty. For example, you could visit a far-off monastery to read scrolls, or decide to take the whole place hostage.
5) Untitled Community RPG (perennial; last sighted 2005)
Like the tentative title implies. Valkyrie Profile-styled in that once a base is captured, one can move on to a different region but has to place character(s) at the bases to keep them secure. All of the spells are summons, and some ZZTers do play a part.
MZX Projects with an above-average chance of work:
1) Yayakoshii Slide-Slide (2001)
Ome's wanted to do a Cresent game for years (as one can see from the date). However, she never gives me any clue on how the characters act and what magic/fighting they prefer, and that factors heavily into the gameplay, so until that happens there's no chance of any work happening. It's an interesting puzzle game; there are cards attached to a sphere, and one can remove any card on the bottom. The space created causes the card above it to crash down; if it is adjacent to a card of the same type, they disappear, causing more crashes. Any card that crashes down into a space can cause tile removal, but the number of adacent tiles needed to remove cards increases as height of the crash site increases. 2 matching for 1-3, 3 for 4-5, 4 for all other lines. Doing this charges up an attack/spell meter. Some weak spells/attacks/guards can be used, or the user can save up energy to unleash a powerful function. Also, each player character has stats that affect how they receive damage, charge up their bar and finish their chains as well as the obvious unique set of spell/attack/defense functions.
2) Shed Sanguine DX (2003) (DX - 2004)
S-RPG with a fair amount of graphical blitz and claustrophobia, as well as a plot strongly tied to gameplay. A failed DoZ, so pretty short. Planned to be done in SMZX mode 3.
3) Bredth (2005)
I want to make a roguelike. Shoot me. :< It'd be a semi-random game, but with a main goal over "make your character as strong as possible". Formative right now.
Stuff I still swear I'll get done:
1) Ill-Adapt (2004)
Spaceship strategy game with a twist; your moves are semi-determined by what your entropy engines spit out per turn. Moves are determined by energy blocks; your engine spits them out, but you can place them however you want in a collector unit. Moves are done by chosing a string of adjacent blocks of certain energy types (represented by color). You can do up to two moves per round, but each move done results in fewer blocks of energy output for next round (6 to 4 to 2). I seriously don't know why I haven't done any full-blown work on this. It's probably because I became a total burnout after 2001.
2) Avis (2005)
Astral birds lozl
3) mmm, pineapples! (2005)
Another bird game. However, this one was to be a simple 80's style arcade game! You slowly float downwards, as you're a non-flight parachuting bird, but you'll have a FLAP bar that can be used to create lift for your chute when it is flashing (this recharges with time). Other birds and fish make the task of staying aloft interesting. Large birds can provide a strong wind to either side - either good or bad, depending on where you are - while red birds are mean and want to rip open your chute. Blue birds are friendly and can provide large vertical boosts; they rest on the very sparse areas of land in the levels. Some levels contain fish; some fish will spit diagonally at you once (determined by a stationary disturbance in the water) and some will jump at you when you get fairly low to the water (moving disturbances). If you hit the water, your FLAP bar goes to 200%, but any grey birds around will take the opportunity to get you while you're down (otherwise they're non-hostile). There will be two modes: original arcade and normal modes listed as GAME A and GAME B for nostalgic kick. The first will have a strict time limit but higher score values; the second lacks a time limit but has normal score values. I also want to include a CRAB HUNT minigame, where you have to find the crab who buries your last pineapple in the sand to get your pineapple back.
<Exophase> HES STEALING MAH AIRSHIP!!!!!!11111111
Posted 21 March 2006 - 06:13 AM
My first game when I found out that ZZT had an editor (though I hadn't quite grasped the concept of object programming) was a game where Kroz (I assumed this was the name of the player character in Scott Miller's Kroz games, but it turned out it was actually the name of the ancient cavern that the protagonist was exploring) was trying to figure out why there was nobody in his apartment building. It looked pretty nice for the time (non-STK graphics), and I had worked around not knowing how to program by putting scrolls everywhere. There was a section of the game where you were shrunk, too, and had to crawl under a rug to find a key. I never finished or released this one.
The Arena - ZZT
I got bored and drew a bunch of monsters in a yellow border room, and slapped a scroll in the middle of them congratulating the player. I forgot to put ammo in there, so it was impossible to complete unless you kamikazed everything. Never released, thank God.
TeleCrisis, version 1
Shortly after finding MZX and playing Data Spy 3D (I thought it was cool at the time - because I couldn't find any other MZX games outside of Adlo, Assault, and Boom), I decided to learn Robotic and create this over-ambitious pile of cliche's. The first version was only two boards long, and had some really noobish programming in it. I actually emailed this to Hydra at Interactive Fantasies as an "application" to join them. I never got a reply though...
TeleCrisis, version 2
Majorly reworked. Still contained many elements (and recycled boards) from the first version, and at some point became a comedy game taking place in 1984 where you could visit Ace Hardware in Cornelius, Oregon and vandalize the world's largest lawnmower. Then you could bug the clerk. And meet a girl who, for some reason, was fascinated with ten penny nails and thumbscrews. Then go next door to find a Fred Meyer store, with a cameo from the programmer (and his friends) in the men's bathroom. Unreleased.
Myst MZX
This was my attempt to bring the adventure game Myst to MZX, with redone puzzles and a lot of text as opposed to graphics. I never actually made anything outside of the title screen and introduction (where you can click on the page to start the game and read a couple paragraphs). Released what I had of it in WildWeasel's DOA package.
I wanted to make an action shooter where the sole premise was that you were a guy with a shotgun and you were bored. And for some reason you're in a jail cell with a guard that has no shotgun. I ripped the wavegun from the encyclopedia and put a guy to kill. That's about it. Released what I had in WildWeasel's DOA package.
The Life of Mr. ASCII
The "sequel" to Kroz Resurrection. I wanted to make a real comedy game after seeing Cans (surprise surprise...) and ended up lumping a bunch of pop culture references and stupid things that nobody gets. I went completely fanboy and made Matrix and Final Fantasy parodies as well...and a reference to FCM's jacuzzis. Gack.
Diet Mr. ASCII
While it is the demo version of the above, I started work on this one from scratch a few months after I first started The Life Of. It came from a scene from Austin Powers 2, where Dr. Evil is accusing Scott of not being evil enough (quasi-Evil, the Diet Coke of evil - just one calorie, not evil enough). And since I had rented Xenogears shortly before working on it, I made Elly a major part of the plot. Fanboy for ya.
TeleCrisis Chapter 1
The decision was made to turn Telecrisis into a chapter-based game because I was eager to release something. It ended up sucking. And I double-demo-cursed myself by releasing a DEMO of the FIRST CHAPTER of the series. What the hell was I thinking?
Dark Generation
I was playing Gates: The Puzzles when the music and the palette inspired me to make a detective noir game. Dark Generation was the original name for it. I only had the city board constructed, and some crappy smiley graphics.
Deadly Games
Started the above detective story from scratch, to incorporate new plot elements (like a famous tennis player that was murdered). Sounded really cheesy so I killed that one too.
The Summoner
An "epic" story taking place in the same universe as TeleCrisis, during medieval times where magic reigned. The story of a girl named Arynn who accidentally draws a dragon from the abyss and nearly destroys her home town with it. She's then exiled, and meets her true parents, who teach her to control the ability to summon. Then she stops another dragon, summoned by her brother, from destroying the whole island. Wrote 19 pages of the novelization before giving up, and at some point tried to make an RPG Maker 2000 game out of it. Gave up after not finding any good female hero graphics that matched my specifications.
Hidden Intentions
Another revamp of the above detective story. After screwing around with it in both ZIG and ZZT, I eventually knuckled under and went back to MZX. This was about when 2.65 was released, I think, so I had access to the Enter key as my action button. The plot involved a small time private dick being picked up by the military to investigate a plot to steal Chuck Yeager's Bell X-1 supersonic jet. This version evolved until I released the demo and gave up.
My DoZ entry a few years back, this is probably my best work to date (though that's not saying much). I rushed through it and didn't put as much polish on it as it needed, but I think I was one of the few that actually completed their game on time (and I think it scored me second place, if I remember correctly). I planned to remake this, but the plans fell through.
Purple Heart
My take-off of the Medal of Honor series, in MZX. An overhead action shooter using instant-hit bullets, reloading weapons, and a Sten that overheats. I also planned to have an Operation Overlord mission. I only ever made one third of the tutorial mission and gave up on it.
A Machination of Terror
Yet another revamp of the detective story, this one involved a terrorist plot to kill the governor of some minor outlying island under the guise of a Rube Goldberg tribute festival. Still took place in the 40's, so it might not have been very historically accurate. never actually started working on this one, and only had small parts of the outline written up.
. . . silence
My proof of concept sounds-only adventure game. Released to mild critical acclaim, though still no reviews that I've seen. Not that there's much to review.
Pete Moss In: Stressed Out!
I posted a screenshot of this a while back - this is a humorous detective story wherein Pete Moss, private eye, is contracted to hunt down a serial stress ball saboteur. I've got the engine all figured out, but I haven't had the motivation to work on it.
. . . second silence
Originally to be an MZX game. Still trying to write a plot for the damn thing. I was contacted by a fellow member of the Doom community who was willing to write a new text adventure engine from scratch to create Second Silence, but he hasn't worked on it for a while because I haven't written a damn plot. I may switch back to MZX, because I have a pretty good idea how to make a good flexible engine for it. I have plenty of voice actors supposedly signed on to the project, but again, I don't have a damn plot.
The World of Mr. ASCII
Written and illustrated by my brother, and programmed by me. Unfortunately, MZX quit working at about the time we had the motivation to work on it, so we eventually gave up (this was back in the DOS days). It looked a hell of a lot better than The Life Of, and a hell of a hell of a lot better than Diet. And the humor was much more witty and intelligent. It's a shame I lost what I had, because this was one I wanted to work on.
An RPG maker game that involved a ridiculous amount of summon spells based on obscure video games. Included a whole section based on Doom, and an entirely text based finale where you infiltrated the Microsoft underwater base. Also contained a Counter-Strike RPG in the beginning of the game, where you had three wallhack/aimbotters in your party. Then you got to keep the VIP as a summon spell (he rushed in and knifed everybody).
Serious damage to important body parts pretty much ruins any plans you had for living. Bummer.
Posted 21 March 2006 - 06:42 AM
STAGE 1 (1998-1999)
Still in Syracuse doing stuff with MZXGiant! None of it was good though.
This is long lost- I only remember what the boards look like, and that stuff was stolen from Caverns. I don't have any clue what I was on about, and it's probably better off gone. First big thing I was trying to do with MegaZeux.
Mostly all I tried to work on to any extent with MZXGiant in MegaZeux. We got random fugly engines done and whatnot. I had some horrible space opera plot quasi-planned out. Still have all, or nearly so, of the work from this. Pretty ghastly.
Special Forces Series
Haha, SF1 demo was released. SF1 was finished but I think I didn't bother to release it because that was when mWorld suddenly stopped taking new downloads and I didn't know what to do with it. MZXGiant did SF2 without so much as my involvement at all, so it's totally disowned even though it's a lot better and has a silly grappling hook gimmick. It doesn't matter because SF2 wasn't released. Anyone want it?
Last and least nonsensical project worked on in person with MZXGiant before I moved off. We did some planning and drew some random boards and crap at his house and then suddenly he showed me his work and he'd actually tried to do something with it. Still wasn't going to go anywhere, though, and still really hell of ugly. Worthless demo is in the downloads section
STAGE 2 (1999-2002)
Mostly worked on stuff stylistically somewhat more mature than before. Actually wasn't constantly messing with MZX these years compared to later and now. Craptastic, minor, and myriad unfinished projects came and went, but some stick out in memory, mostly from the latter days of this here period.
Haha not really. This was Bolan's project. The fucker "joined" "TanaTech"! Why do I think that is so funny
I still have a copy of this shinyness, which I plan to probably treasure forever and ever
A fairly crazy ass giant RPG project. Worked on primarily in 2001, finished rather little, planned out gorgeous tons of whatnot on paper. Destroyed 90% of the work in random fit of rage I need not go into.
Beyond (again)
This time to be a two-player action adventure. You and friend share keyboard and shoot aliens that subsequently die. Then there are some retarded cutscenes and poor dialog. Looked better than most of my stuff before that, though.
Special Forces X/3
I had a journal for this puppy. It was going to be Flashback + Blackthorne style stealth in MegaZeux because I was completely insane. Didn't really go anywhere.
This one was also going to be cool. Lancer-X thought I meant to create a limitless play area, which is funny.
STAGE 3 (2002-2004)
Worked on some quasi interesting stuff. It's interesting to look over my work and see how very very little I've actually progressed in skill with MegaZeux over the course of so many years. I guess I totally fail
The Blind Watchmen
Adventure game very somewhat in the style of Shenmue. The demo depicts nothing of this, but it was indeed the direction I was taking. Didn't get much done.
Project Movezig
Hahaha I thought I could do a space shooter. This didn't turn out much. Maybe I'll take another look.
Quiet adventure game onboard interstellar freighter Silver and a space station coincidentally sharing characteristics with System Shock's Citadel (sans nasty computer lady). Might delve into this again at some point as well.
Watch Tower Zeta
The adventures of a fantastic but sterile continent over the course of two hundred years told through the eyes of three tragicomic adolescents. RPG elements to tack on length and give the game a genre. I will finish this because it's everything I think about.
STAGE 4 (now =P)
Escape from DUMB
I have an engine. Can I make the best fucking zombie-killing game in MegaZeux or not? My ability to actually make some levels and tie together a game at some point will tell.
This will include things and may be issued thrice.
This post has been edited by asgromo: 21 March 2006 - 06:44 AM
Posted 21 March 2006 - 11:28 AM
the kave (1997-8)
blue moon (1998)
dragon woods (1998)
chickenwire (1999)
lebensraum (nearly lost this at the time due to a hardware failure; was lucky to get it back) (1999)
fantasy world dizzy zzt (1999)
magicland dizzy zzt (1999)
treasure island dizzy zzt (1999)
<untitled> and nEGATiVe (later packaged into one file, sp@ng@s) (2000)
psyche (2000)
ultra wack (art collection, 2002)
frost 1: power (2003)
unfinished zzt games
the furballs (1997) (part of this game became "the kave")
/\/emesis (1998)
shock (1999)
flood (2000)
frost 2: ice (2003)
contributions to things
zztv 2 (contributor)
zztv 4-7 (editor)
z-files 2.4 (toolkit collection: editor)
evil sorceror's party (by john w. wells: did graphics for files 2 and 4)
ownage triangle (collection of art by aetsch and henchsod kracken, released 2004)
smiley guy se (orig. by al payne) (1998)
code red se (oh god oh god oh god what was i thinking: orig. by greg janson) (1999)
on the wire (orig. by draco, never released: finished with his permission) (1999)
lost caves graphical renewal (orig. by zzfreak: remake sucks a lot, don't play it) (1999)
sedimental worries graphical enhancement (orig. by viovis acropolis) (2000)
the kave se (actually remade one of my own for a change) (2000)
chickenwire 1.8 (same again) (2001)
future projects?
probably not, at least not in zzt anyway.
okay, i think that's everything.
edited for dates
This post has been edited by Zenith Nadir: 21 March 2006 - 11:31 AM
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />
the tygers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction</span>
Posted 21 March 2006 - 01:14 PM
Burger Joint SE - ZZT 2004-05
Yeah, I toyed with the idea for a year of a Burger Joint remix. It would be set in the same restruant, now run by Johnny. Madguy's games were, and still are, my favorites. I loved his simple graphics style and was determined to stick to it, although I knew I could do much more. I got halfway through the first level and just quit. I don't remember if it was out of boredom or what. Regardless, it was a very fun project to work on.
Woodland - ZZT 2005
I planned this as a big one. I started just around the time I started posting on z2 and going in IRC. This one was a lot of fun too. You play as a character named Donn. You wake up in the treehouse of strange savage humanoid creatures, who seemed to have taken care of you for awhile. When you awake, they run off scared. You take a stroll through a jungle and reach a town, talking to people, learning you are on an island called Woodland. I hadn't fully worked out the story. It involved the sea god Leviathan (yes, that's right) who brought people to the island for his own reasons. I had made a surprisingly beautiful town, complete with shops and houses, even had a pretty font and a few cameos. (It was supposed to be a semi-humour game). Unfortunately, KevEdit somehow screwed me over and deleted half the game. I started redoing it but got bored and quit.
The Beginner's Guide to ZZT Art - ZZT 2004 - 05
Around this time, there were a few newbie syled games showing up on z2. The kind with borders and bosses made of terrain. So, I stupidly took it upon myself to make a sort of guide to making prettier art scenes. I only got one board done... when I got bored! I had made a pretty mountain scene with a sunset and lots of textboxes. That's it. I'm not sure if I even have this on my computer anymore.
Untitled ZZT Community Game - ZZT 2005
This one, I was sure would get far. Of course it didn't. It stared many ZZT community members. The plot was pretty random and I just made it up as I went. Didn't get much done. On the first board was Madtom and Kracken out on a date, watching the nightsky from some hills. Then I was going to do a scene where someone, probably Dos or something, comes in and screams about how Fura has been kidnapped by a dickgirl. Etc, etc.
Various Assorted Humorous RPGs That Never Get Finished! - ZZT2003-2006
No explination here.
I'll post my MZX shit later. When I feel like it.
<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /></a>
--VinceP :D
Posted 21 March 2006 - 01:25 PM
I will use this when people are all "CJA?! Who are you? What did YOU ever do?" or "You never release any big games; just a bunch of small ones." or "<Xierxes> shut up cja all you can do in mzx is draw a circle"
N00B TIMES AND HARD TIMES. (2001-2004)
Several games I don't feel like explaining. If you want to see them go here. Also in here was "FLANSAGA".
"TRIGONOWHAT?!" (2005-now)
I think it started with ASCII Puzzle Game Demo, which I actually made for the purpose of introducing myself to DMZX. This is a good game for people who like puzzles. Note how it says "demo". I think this is a full game, hmm?
Somewhere in here was "Catch", a dinky little "catch falling people" game. Praised by pyro for use of red fake.
Also somewhere in this period is "Circ Test" or something which kinda tells you how to draw a circle. Also includes crappy track when I was at about half my tracking potential that I am now.
... I don't have the zip, use the archive. Better yet, steer clear of this.
Next, I started Flantasia 3, I think. But I took a break to complete (or should i say ZOMplete) ZOMGame. A fun game where you run around and do crap and fight builtins and LOL ITS A JOKE GAME!! LOL IS NOT MAKING FUN OF NEWBIES TEH FUN!?
Then, Flantasia 3 was released .. incomplete. People still hate me for this so download with care and keep your doors locked.
A whole lot of demos. Flantasia 4 and Katamari Damacy Clone (Note: Real title still pending). And "Happy New Year from POOP ROAD >

So now I'm working on RPGame! and Flantasia 4 and KDC and Tuxedo Ted and RAW Reader and holy crap a lot of stuff.
Posted 21 March 2006 - 01:30 PM
A very clean side-scroller, more of an experiment. You had the ability to shoot fire, and also to shrink in size, becoming this head-like object that moved slower but could fit through holes and stuff.
Set in no particular time zone, the humans and just about everything else has turned against the race of hares, and it's your job to go on random missions and do whatever is needed: collect carrots, kill giant, fire-breathing caterpillars, save fellow rabbit friends. The gameplay was very interesting, fun, and not like anything I've ever seen. It was a sidescroller in which you had the ability to dig in all four directions and tunnel through the earth, going under houses and all these fun things.
Unfinished projects I can think of now, that I unbearably lost all motivation for:
The Messenger
Okay, with this one, I had it nearly finished. You were on your last mission, everyone was dying, and the game was coming to a good ending. But somehow I lost a number of boards-- boards that were hard to reproduce-- and I just did not want to do all that again, doggone it.
Intended to be a fun, dumb game where anything happens, I also lost some of the latest boards here somehow, and thought to leave it just where it is.
[Both these games, at least The Messenger, should be in separate download links in the archives. Instead they're in Bramblekid's Stack of MZX Games or something.]
Released games, starting from the biggest and going down to my one-board game:
The Messenger
An Unforeseen Dilemma
Pizza Man
Pizza Man 2
Pizza Man 3
A Harry Potter Game
The Grand Smashing Game of Koji
The Leprechaun/Miser Game
Will You DoZ?
The Messenger, Jonah, Stemilt, and Start.mzx are all unfinished. Yeaoey is probably my biggest, finished adventure game. It's pretty fun, I'd say. Go play it.
In progress:
The Red
Shloob the Dino (now I don't know about this one, it's more experimental than anything. Still pretty cool, as long as I redo the cruddy programming)
Posted 21 March 2006 - 02:37 PM
1. Micah - This was my newbie game that none of you have seen. I actually finished it, but I never released it anywhere. It was somewhere between 8 to 10 levels of builtins, with very simple puzzles (find the key, unlock the door). It was actually pretty fun to play, but it sucked ever so badly.
Wow, I've only finished one game...ever...not counting that one DoZ.
1. Kung Poo Fighting - I released a demo of this at one point, and it wasn't really that great, but it was fun to work on. It was a little fighting game like Mortal Kombat, but the players didn't fill up much of the screen (80x25 with 1x1 players lolz). I eventually forgot about it when I realized it sucked.
2. The Purple Assassin - This was my first sidescroller. I really liked it, because the whole concept of the game was to be as hilariously gory as possible. It featured burning in pits of fire, being impaled on spikes, eating helpless humans, vomiting acid onto them (effectively burning them to death), and other fun stuff that wasn't in the demo. It was a neat concept, I think...but there was no real challenge, because there weren't any enemies. I may revamp this game someday, who knows.
3. Sim-Hero - This was my Chronostodian. Big talk, but no production. I had a lot of material at one point, but I got Koji'd and lost it all...TWICE. I still want to do this game, but before I think about that I have to find free time, and I have to figure out how I'm going to approach doing it.
4. Metroidish Thingy - This was a game I started on my own, and eventually got Lsopht involved to help with graphics. It was actually pretty neat, but it was my first experience with sprites, so it made it difficult to produce anything. I tried reviving it once, but it never worked.
(I just realized these are totally not in chronological order)
5. The Micah Lee Project - Another project I started with Lsopht... It was a LOVE STORY. If you ever want something completely original and interesting, talk to lsopht. His plot ideas are inspiring (like the game he made about finding a lost mitten). This died due to a corrupted mzx file, and neither of us having a backup of the latest version. It kinda sucked, because the game was turning out pretty cool.
1. Pirate Game - Yeah, I'm still toying with it. I might finish it someday, but it'll be long and time consuming.
2. RappeRPG - I'm still trying to figure out a way to do this one. I still love the concept of having hustle and flow points. Golly.
3. Space Shooty - This will probably end up being the final title. Not very intricate; I made it just to get the skeleton going for a good space shooty.
4. Untitled Project - This is a project I'm synthesizing using old parts from the leftovers of the Micah Lee Project, the Metroid Clone, and a few other dinky things that I've made.
5. MZX Pegs - I've finished about 15 levels of this thing. There's a pretty decent demo available in the archive. Eventually I'd like to get up to 30.
That's all I can remember up to this point.
This post has been edited by Micah: 21 March 2006 - 02:43 PM
Posted 21 March 2006 - 02:40 PM
Runaway Robber: (ZZT 1998) My first project in the world of GCS! Looking back now it was also one of my best. The idea was was that you had just pulled off the biggest heist in history but you had to avoid the fuzz, the fuzz however, were assorted zzt builtins and centipedes were the cop cars, featured a fruit machine! Status: Lost
Block Concept: (ZZT 1998) an ambitious project for my age and ZZT which showed because it turned out godawful, basically what had to happen was... like... you pushed blocks... into other blocks, and then something probably happened. StatusL Lost or maybe i just dreamt the whole thing up[/b]
Parade: (1999) The first MZX project of mine that I really remember, basically there were 6 friends, the Joker, the businessman, the baker, the soldier, the policeman and the doctor. The baker gets kidnapped and it's up to the other 5 to save him, the way it worked was you chose who you wanted to represent your group, and then he would do all the talking and actions. Status: Lost
Kill Things: (1999) A stickman sidescroller, where you had a machinegun, and you had to, quite elegantly put, kill things. But not just ANY things!... These were aliens, you had to go around and shoot them. This is also memorable because it was the first game I ever made music for! Status: Lost
Eruption: (2000) A sidescrolling puzzler of the 'match up the colored blocks' variety, although this was in fact pretty good, I was very pleased with how this game went but I made about 8 levels and completely lost all motivation. Status: Lost
Sodium: (2000) The game with the msot retarded name ever. Because it was actually about a knight going around his village doing quests... God knows why it was called sodium, Pretty terrible game. Status: Lost
Nogozone: (2000ish) My first ever release into the world of MZX. Basically it was a blatant, not very well done rip-off of Snarfoogle, but hey it got my name up there, and also some people seem to like it for some reason. Status: Demo is Finished, Full game is dead.
Zrdok: (2001) My first Multi-char player ever (2x1), the idea behind Zrdok was that you could have an RPG battle with absolutely everything, Toilets, broken bits of pipes and trees. Unfortunately, after about 50 different battles I realised how retarded that was, and also how long it'd take to make. So it got scrapped. Status: Lost
(2001 was also my year of making thousands of 1-2 board projects)
Spectre: (2002). A pretty ordinary RPG, this was when I first noticed my graphics were not hurtful to the eye anymore, although this game was monochrome. Also a funny thing I remember about this one was that I made a 'scary' .mod called ice.mod. But somehow, and I don't KNOW how, that .mod was overwritten by another ice.mod. So when I was meant to have scary music going on there was actually Vanilla Ice's 'Ice Ice Baby' playing. :( Status: Lost [/b[
Tecki's Minigame pack: (2002) Bwuhuhuhuhuhuhuhhhuhhuhuhuhuuuh.... Status: Lost
23 Horribly boring games: (2001-2002) Apparently this was my claim to fame... I honestly don't understand how. The game idea itself was shamelessly taken from Micheal Barrash's 7 boring zzt games. But hey, 23 is more then 7 am i rite? Status: Finished
Zombeez: (2002) The finished game which, I have to say, I'm most pleased with so far. Zombeez is a simple little arcadey shoot em up that works. It basically involves you shooting zombies. Yes! Status: Finished
Sword OF Wotte: (2003) A joint Project with Kuru, which was looking like it could have been cool. As Kuru says it was made when Sprites were first done in MZX and we couldn't miss out on that action! This game never really got past the skeleton stage though. And I'm not really peeved :(. Status: Abandoned
Big guy wot has a sword: (2003) A 2x2 Hack n Slash monsters type thing... It was going pretty well until I realised I just hadn't the knack for that much coding. Status: Abandoned
MZX casino: (2002) Yup, a collection of Casino games such as horseracing, blackjack, slot machines, French roulette (Properly made) and even simulated crime!. Status: Abandoned
Tearaway: (2003) Little sidescrolley dealy that I'm actually quite pleased with, although simple in theory (1x1 player and simple mechanics) It's the graphics and some of the monsters that I'm most pleased with, there is a demo out but it's not particularaly long, my earliest project that I'm still continuing Status: In Progress
Johnny: (2003) This was such an awesome game, it was the very style which I love to make games for: Comedy! It was stacked with fantastic funnies and jiblets. My current main Project, Begie's game, takes a lot of it's ideas from this game, but simplifies the graphics a great deal. This game was being made with Razza and (to a certain extent :O) RoSS. Unfortunately my drive got wiped and Razza has the only copy, but about that time he completely disappeared, so he's got it (or at least had it) and i can't get in touch with him : ( Status: Held Hostage
Johnny Journal
Johnny Journal?
I was a bit of an idiot back then!
Desert dash: (2004) Simple little mini game based off 'Desert Run', a PD game for the Amiga, short but sweet and lost. Status : Complete but lost? :(
TeckRPG: (2004) This one was looking good before I realized I just don't like making RPGs. I built up a lot of hype for this one and then when I didn't deliver I DIDNT CARE hohoho. Status: death
TECKRPG journal
DA PUZZULS (2004) Despite what you may think this game was actually pretty good! it was basically a compendium of little minigames, many of which were terrible but a couple were worth the time taken to play them Status: Lost
Brainfart (2005) Basically I tried to make a community game and just include the most random things I could think of, the problem is now that it is by far TOO random and doesn't really follow a game structure at all, it's kind of an interactive movie Status : in progress
Tektoniks (2005) Never released any info about this, because it was basically shit! Status: shit
Isolation (2005) Recently released a demo of this, puzzler, quite entertaining, high priority given to sound. Status: hiatus
A BEGIE GAME (2006) My latest foray into MZX, I will not give details out into this one but I'm liking how it's coming out! [b]Status: en route
Posted 21 March 2006 - 04:37 PM
Bank Dad drags his kids to the bank and ends up with more than he bargained for!
Some fun engines I've got cooking.
Lovable, famous, blue-haired slacker Lyle Powers snoops around Oddville to get the Golden Toaster back from mysterious mustachioed snarglepuss Don Sancho.
Lyle's vacation to Santo Devito takes a sad, sad detour.
Lyle chases Don Sancho across several continents to retrieve the Golden Toaster again.
Lyle gets the Powers out once again to break an ancient Indian curse and save the world from the horrors of public television.
One hobo's epic quest across space and time because he's hungry.
Assorted BKZX::
Lyle Powers, Taji-Kun, and Hobo Dan have a Franc discussion while Lyle's house burns down.
From now on, Cornelius, it's snausages for you and hush browns for the wife.
Francine seeks a ticket to that hit new space opera.
It didn't.
Had a Hand In::
Dr. Vaine has sold the Golden Toaster and his soul to Lithos and only one Cash can...bring it back? I don't knob =9
SHADOWSONG (with Tixus and Quasar)
zombeez ate my neighborz
SHADOWSONG 2 DEMO (with Tixus, Exophase, Apollyon, Wervyn, and Stephi-chan)
beep beep limousine agh sunshine
RUN! RUN! RUN! (with Wervyn and Trev-MUN)
Help PARSLEY escape from frightening things such as HOT DOG, EARTHQUAKE, and SAM'S CLUB! RUN!
AGENT BALLPARK (with Trev-MUN and Kurushimi)
Federal Agent Ballpark must contend with the most expansive foe of all time, his own damn waistline.
Nice Try::
Lyle saves up for an engagement ring working at the I.R.S., while Princess Amy tries not to get kidnapped by six-foot mangy bouncing head Tom Oldhart.
Lyle Powers seeks the pieces of the famed Golden Toilet to flush himself and all his friends to a brand new MegaZeux world...
While Lyle, NateJam, and Bill kick back, and Es sets up his new, under-construction Planet Toast for habitation, Don Sancho and his crew set up a poorly-conceived infiltration from outer space. High drama ensues!
The Great Back Burner in Limbo::
Bored underclassmen get lost in Weird Indiana and end up finding answers.
Classy P-Town bachelor Taji-Kun's in a tizzy when evil ninjas bust into his pagoda penthouse and make off with his order of kung pao chicken. GET IT BACK AT ALL COSTS
Never Got Off the Ground::
Bad Men in Black sendup.
NIGHTFALL (with Diamond and the Mindforge crew)
Kill them city slicker vampires good!
ASCENT (with Diamond)
Jump out your window and take flight when the world is asleep...
Explore some, uh, Realms. In sidescroll?
Vandriel military commander Slater Spire is tied to a machine, and wants his life back from the scientist who tied him down. He befriends two fugitives and comes back down to the city to look up the good doctor's address...
Posted 21 March 2006 - 06:10 PM
Can't remember the years I'm araid, but I'll do them chronologically:
This was an RPG about a government taking over the entire world and trying to purify the race, in some way. You began by waking up on a boat not knowing where you were going, but eventually you found out that you were being shipped off to some place called the 'abyss' which was actually treated very mysteriously and vaguely for most of the game - it takes a while before it becomes clear exactly what this place was and where it was. There's actually a demo of this uploaded but it's a bit lame. To be honest, I had limited ideas for this game and I quickly lost the drive to work on it.
This was my first "serious" project and got a bit of light shed on it at the MZXEE, which must've been about 4-5 years ago now. It was to be one of the "new" Dark Horizon's first releases, but it was too ambitious and I never got round to finishing it. Basically it was an action/adventure game set in a futuristic space age. There was a supernova on the cards in a distant galaxy, and some friendly planet was due to be swallowed up, so they contacted Earth for help. You had to basically do jobs for people but now and again you'd run into trouble - the battles would get more frenetic as the game got on, and you'd have some pretty cool weapons by the end. It was heavily influenced by Solar Winds (anyone remember that?) Either way, the game had pretty good graphics and a really impressive momentum movement engine for the spaceship with my brother (ajs) helped me with at the time. The game had seriously smooth playability considering the ship was 3x2, and I had basically the entire story worked out in my head. Shame it got canned really.
After the constant struggle and eventual failure to get Supernova done, I gave up on MZX for a while and came back after my break with some bizarre desire to make sports games. This was my most impressive. The cars were multi-char (2x3 I think) and again, I made sure the movement was really smooth and easy to play with. The idea of the game was quite simple - it was just a racing game, and you'd race all over the world in different climates and conditions. Obviously, in the snowy areas you'd slide around the road a bit more, and in the jungle areas there'd be fallen-down trees on the track and things like that. That was the thing that made this game more fun - the more difficult tracks had obstacles on them and stuff. However, to give this game a bit more punch, the idea was that you were competing against other characters. The people you raced wouldn't just be anonymous drivers, they'd be characters in the game with their own little personality traits. There'd be, say, 16 characters altogether, and you'd race 3 of them in each race, each one competing for points to win TEH WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP. It's the kind of thing I could still go back and finish, because once you've got the driving engine done, it's pretty much just a change of scenery. I spread a couple of screenshots of this about 2 years ago, and I was told the graphics were pretty impressive. It was the 'industrial zone' track, with warehouses and stuff surrounding the road, if anyone remembers that.
This is my most recent project which I haven't told anyone about until now. I've actually been working on it within the last 12 months. It's quite a dark, grimey, heavy-going game about some guy who wakes up one day to find out his life has completely fallen apart around him. It takes place in a big city, as he struggles against political corruption and untrustworthy members of society in his attempt to get his life back on track. The idea is that when you're so desperate for something, you'll sometimes take huge risks to get it - and I guess that's where the title 'All Or Nothing' comes from. Life is a gamble. I'm not gonna say the game is non-linear (hey, those games NEVER get finished) but you have a choice, to some degree, of the size of the gamble you take. If you choose to do an incredibly risky deed for the most sly looking character in the game, there's obviously a big chance you'll either be stabbed in the back, or just caught in the act and arrested. Obviously if you got away with it though, it'd be hugely rewarding. Otherwise, you could stick to safer tasks, but you'd be on the breadline for a lot longer, and information about your past would be less easy to get hold of, which would be frustrating. I suppose you choose the difficulty of your tasks. And like all gambling, winning is as dangerous as losing. Do you wanna stop when you can afford to feed yourself, or do you wanna go right to the top and be the best? That's where it could all go wrong again. I guess it's sort of an RPG, but because I hate RPGs by definition, I'd include a lot of action in the game, as well as a bit of strategy and brain-work. I've already worked on some parts of the city, it's looking pretty good. But because of my lifestyle these days, I really don't have time for MZX anymore and I'm sure I'll probably never go back to it.
Needless to say, all of the above projects are as good as abandoned.
...But when I think about it, I do have 4 months off this summer.
Posted 21 March 2006 - 07:24 PM
Josh quest (1997?) - a really really terrible game starring me and my idiot friends.
Josh quest II (1997) - sequel to above
Blaster (1997) - unfinished sidescroller that was terrible and will never see the light of day.
Josh quest III (1998) - unfinished (thank god)
Chaos warrior (2004?) - a 24hoz contest entry. Pretty neat except the archers are glitchy. Involves lots of beheading, carnage, and sacrifice to evil gods.
Neo Blaster X (1998) - rehash of blaster only this one is actually playable. It's a sidescroller where you're trying to save your sick wife.
Chopper (1998) - An unfinished (and abandoned) helocopter game where you complete verious missions to get money.
Project Luna(1999) - This is a pretty cool demo I did that's sort of like strider. Well, except that the main hero was some kind of were-cougar cyborg. But he had plasma knives which made him neat. Maybe I'll do a game maker version of this at some point.
Artifact Hunter (2000) - An old schoolish "find the treasure" game based off some arcade game I can never remember the name of. All I can remember is that it had three main characters (an indiana jones rip-off, a woman with a sword, and a professor type with a spear) and you fought island natives and giant quicksand monsters. It was fun and I still think about doing something like this every once in a while.
Neo Blaster 2 (2002?) - Unfinished sequel to neo blaster x. It was going to have multiple weapons and basically be a cave story rip off. Except that I had never heard of cave story at the time.
Rebirth Machine (2004+) - My major on going project. If you don't know what this is download the demo and tell me how cool it is. (or how terrible)
Bound (or maybe Elsewhere) (2005) - A rogue-like that will be somewhere between earthbound, alice in wonderland, and alphaman. It's on haitus until I complete Rebirth Machine.
Also, I did a whole slew of horrid qbasic games before discovering zzt and megazeux. And I've goofed off with game maker a little.
This post has been edited by Seventh Shade: 21 March 2006 - 07:25 PM
Posted 21 March 2006 - 09:09 PM
Freakia - 2002 - An attempt at using Apage's old WSE engine to make an action game. Failed, entirely.
Super MZX Brothers - 2002 - A cameo fighting game. Fell apart because of lack of useful features that would have helped a fighting game get off the ground.
Snerk - 2002 - A cans-inspired comedy game. Plotless. Had a neat title screen.
Tigers and Shooting Gunz0r - 2002 - An attempt at capitalizing on a Newbie Game trend. Shot down by the MZXer populous.
Sunburst DsDoZ Remake - 2003 - Killed by drama... Man, you guys were such assholes to me back then.
Blast Radius - 2003 - Turn based strategy using the MZXTCP/IP engine. Killed due to slowness of engine.
Ed. - 2004 - A fairly promising adventure game. Had my first real attempts at character design. I liked them. Wiped in a hard drive crash.
The Colony - 2004 - A game based on an ill-fated trip to colonize the moon. Had a very detailed plot. Died because I was expecting people to help with the graphics. They didn't.
Games I would Like to Finish -
Oddrpg - 2005 - Lost this in a hard drive crash. Lovely little game, great graphics.
The Fungahhh Empire - 2004 - Doomed attempt at a funny MZX RTS. I want to start this up again.
Kick Him in the Jimmy Jones - 2005 - Voice acted adventure. I lost the voice acting in a hard drive crash and my voice actors never got back to me.
Dreams - 1998 - A trippy adventure through the subconscious of a man doomed to sleep by an angry god. The idea was concieved BEFORE Nightmare MZX, and would have been quite different...
In Progress:
A random sidescroller - 2006 - Currently in progress. Features bunnies and bouncing enemies. An experiment in cute, smiley-based animation.
SmileyWars - 2005 - A side scrolling space shooter. On hold due to boredom with project. Will complete.
<@Tixus> Anyway, I set the year to 1988 for some reason.
<@Tixus> And set the microwave to run for a minute and 28 seconds.
<@Tixus> But it failed to send me back in time, and I was disappointed.
<Insidious> Tixus accidentally microwaved the 80s
<Insidious> that is my takeaway from this
Posted 22 March 2006 - 12:05 AM
Old Projects
Bob's Pipe City (ZZT)
I had a lot of ZZT projects before this, but they're all too frivolous and short-lived to be worth listing. That, and there were so many that I can't really remember them; most of them were just shallow attempts to copy things like Best of ZZT 1 and 2. BPC was the first project that really took, and it grew out of just messing around with the editor and drawing a funky start board with alternating green line and cyan breakable terrain. I tacked on a goofy story about a crazy oil company and some environmental terrorists that had hijacked it (called the Oilugs), created an unnecessarily massive underlevel filled with absolutely nothing, and set about filling the main game area with puzzles and monsters and crap. I got damn near finishing it, within four boards, and I had already finished the end of the game, but I could never figure out how best to write the confrontation with the VOMITROSAINA, so the game remained unfinished. It's possible that a copy of it still exists on a dusty floppy disk somewhere around the house, packed in storage somewhere, but more likely it's gone for good, which is a real pity. I've wanted to go back and look at all the old ZZT work that I made and lost, but none of it nearly so much as this.
Untitled Adventure Game (ZZT)
This is one of those frivolous, short-lived ZZT projects I mentioned, but it's noteworthy in that it postdates BPC, which means that I was both a much better programmer, and was aware of things like STK and various other hacks. It was very ambitious, which is probably why I never made it past a few boards in. There was nothing really spectacular about it, it was planned as a pretty generic adventure game, so pick your favorite ZZT adventure game and pretend that this was it.
Untitled Redwall Game
One of the first things I set out to make in MZX, after learning how to use Robotic (I don't count "Cheesy Short Game" among my projects, by the way, because it wasn't a project, just an hour long exploration into using MZX). This was back when Redwall was cool and fresh and original, and not just Brian Jacques telling the same story over and over again with different characters. Oh my, the heroine is an otter this time, and the villain is a wildcat! And now for more lengthily described food and funny renderings of various accents. And I'll bet there's a riddle to solve, too! Anyway, I think I had it in mind that I was going to just game-ify the original Redwall. This only made it a few boards in, and included part of the abbey grounds and the Great Hall, with crudely rendered stained glass windows casting light on the floor.
This was an ambitious idea, based on a science fiction story concept I had at the time about a lone village on this lush, jungle planet, at the base of a giant volcano (Luvanc is an anagram of Vulcan, you see, haha what a clever boy am I). This stranger shows up and due to their xenophobia the village is going to put him to death, but before that happens the entire population gets wiped out by...something, except for the main character, a young girl, Sanka, with psychic powers. The stranger, Geren, is a psionic traveller himself and takes it upon himself to train her, so that she might be of use to him in his search for this legendary object called the Dimkey (for Dimensional Key...yes, it's not a very good name). But of course, he's self-absorbed and interested only in his own power, and you have to defeat him in the end. This idea lasted roughly long enough for me to try to make my first FMV sequence by hand, and gave up. Damn you Xenogenesis. This was also the first project for which I wrote music, though none of it was really very good.
Bob's Pipe City
As with the ZZT version, this is the one MZX project I did that saw the most work. It's also the only old project of mine that I still have in its entirety. Well, basically. At one point I decided I wanted to scrap the title screen because it wasn't cool enough, and make a new one (which I never finished). I didn't keep the old version around, though I sort of wish I had now. Essentially, BPC MZX was an obvious update of my original work in ZZT, it seemed very natural to do so. Except this time, I could take advantage of MZX's features to make better, more integrated puzzles, and smoother graphics. I really did some impressive stuff with this, and none of it was really too ambitious to complete. Nevertheless, about a quarter of the way through the top area, I just got tired of making the game. Over the years since, I've toyed with the idea of going back and finishing it, but I never do get beyond opening the world and saying "wow, I'm never going to finish this." Officially, BPC is dead, sorry.
The Misty Mountains
Some time way back, I guess around 1998, this dude named ZZco (not to be confused with zzo38) contacted me pretty much out of the blue. I'd declared an open interest in MZX in my AIM profile, I think, so that was probably the root of it. We got to talking and eventually he roped me into helping him on one of those massive ambitious projects we all have at some point in our MZX careers, called the Misty Mountains. I asked if he was intentionally ripping off of Tolkien, and he said "What?" This was going to be a big game, I mean a BIG game, spanning like nine different chapters with a world each. I made a few engines, and some music, and blocked out the basic game mechanics of the first chapter, but it never progressed beyond that. Poor guy. We still keep in touch from time to time, and I help him out with some of MZX's newer features.
This was to be one of those ambient immersive adventure games, like Myst I guess, though overhead. Actually I think I may have been taking some of my motif from The Dig (absolutely awesome LucasArts game, find this and play it if you have not), though not the story certainly. Following the standard amnesia cliche, you wake up in a grassy field on a big empty island called Nore, with a lighthouse and an off-shore observatory, and there's a melancholy vulture sitting on a signpost, with sort of a Marvin personality. You have to figure out how to get off the island (I wrote up the basic schematic of puzzles leading to this point), and then out of the world altogether. The idea is that you're actually a coma patient, and this is the journey you have to take to wake up. Or something. I quit on this one after tediously animating one direction of a fluid walking animation. Or it was supposed to be fluid, part of the reason I quit was also that at that time there was a flicker problem with lots of repeated character editing that didn't get solved until much later.
This one didn't really even make it out of the idea stage. It was going to be an RTS with a computer theme, like you were the computer security team and you were trying to destroy the virus infestation. I think I'd watched too much Reboot.
Megazeux Combat Trainer
Arctic Fusion's solitary claim to fame, and I made a level for it called Duct Hunting. I was damn proud of that level, it was an awesome level. Really, that was a pretty cool game all told.
Current Games
In the Equilbrium/Medicine DoZ, Winter 2002, Exo, Quasar, Tixus, and Es made a game called Trinity. Or tried to, anyway, it ended up very unfinished and didn't show very well, but it was the ONLY game to use the Equilibrium theme. Afterwards, Exo asked me if I wanted to work on a remake of the game, called CounterRevolution, and write dialogue. (Somewhere along the line, in our little circle of friends, I became known for being the go-to guy when it comes to character dialogue. This doesn't seem to have anything to do with my work ethic when it comes to writing, as the actual amount of material I've produced is pretty small. I will admit, though, when I do write, it's damn good.) What came forth was one of Exo's trademark RPG plots full of complications and intrigue, and you can be sure there was an innovative battle system to go with it, but nothing else really came of this after I wrote the first half of the dialogue.
Untitled Collaborative Game Thing
A little while back Es had this idea for a game that would take place all on one gigantic board. He was experimenting with different methods of altering MZX worlds in-game in non-standard ways (and still is, really, see his MZX Destruction Kit). I took this idea and one-upped it, suggesting a game with FIVE massive boards and four different characters with completely different skillsets and gameplay mechanics. When I say massive, think on the order of 2000x1000 tiles, BIG. The game would eventually let you travel between these different worlds, though you could start in any of them as one of the different characters, and at the end you'd have to combine together to get to the fifth world as a group and defeat the big badguy at the end. I still think this would be a really cool idea, but the workload involved is enormous, and getting around robot limits in particular is a challenge. It really almost has to be done as a group, and I haven't figured out how to coordinate such a thing or get people interested in this particular version of the idea, so it probably won't ever happen.
Sword of the Faithful
I'm really just throwing this in here as a possibility, there isn't really a MZX game in the works. I have, of course, thought about how the story might translate into a game format, but the pictures I have in my head of what I would want it to be like mean that MZX is probably the wrong choice of platform. If I ever made this, I'd want it to be a PS2 quality RPG at least, nothing less. Still, you never know, I might just settle for what I can get. As for the story itself, it's still alive. Yes, I know the site is down. Yes, I am still working on it. If you know where to go, you can get involved in weekly discussions of the story. And that's all I have to say about that.
Super Seekret Project with Exo and Quasar
You did not see this here. It does not exist. It is not going to be the most awesome game you have ever seen. It is not going to set the MZX standard of quality so high that everyone will be afraid to release a game for at least a year afterwards. It is not going to have graphics that will consistently make you ask "how is that even POSSIBLE in MZX?" And it is most certainly never, ever going to be released. Ever.
That's all I can think of right now. There may be other, more minor things, and for sure I've done my share of DoZs, but I'm not counting those here. So now you know about me.
"Someday I'm going to invent a device that will simply make my ideas happen. It'd be nice if I had such a thing NOW..."
..Ignorance is to be unaware of the truth.
....Incompetence is to be unable to grasp the truth.
......And escape is to run away from the truth.
It is useless to run, since the truth is right next to you.
Posted 22 March 2006 - 12:33 AM
The evil Cycloglob has escaped and plans decides to ditch his plan on making comic books and decides to rule the world by throwing a cream pie in everyone's face. OH what has the world come to!?
This is an different version to the one I was journally, the one I was journalling was ditched. Anyway, much to Adrian's dismay the evil wizard Drakon has come back to life! He plans to get all the villians I've ever though of to create a machine that will throw tomatoes at everyone! Its up to Adrian and friends to stop these crazy, evil and twisted tomato throwers!
An evil lord has been summoned to the world and plans to make all things edible into evil giant walking talking and dancing monsters! And somehow our hero has to stop it despite his bad reputation!
The evil King Yolca continues to rule the world and its up to our unnamed hero to stop him!
DROP 5 (Its really the old Drop 4)
It has a Mega Man style gameplay in which you select one of 12 bosses, beat his butt and the stage is over. However you ddon't get a weapon instead you get a different sort of ability. Some bosses give you Max Health Up, others give you a weapon of some sort, some even give nothing. It weas interesting as you have 4 characters to choose from. I ditched it because well it didn't seem up to standards comapred to my other games.
I might actually release this, whilst it is below my current standards now it is pretty fun. The beta testers would've gotten and older version of it before alothough most of them failed to download it. Anyway the plot only involves Drakon and no tomato thrwoing machines. Instead Drakon is trying to kill everyone for fun, joy. The game involved several endings and had some pretty neat ideas in it but it soon dropped below my standards and plus some of the bosses were overly difficult.
I dunno why I ditched it, it had nice graphics, the enemies were well programmed... I guess I ditched it because I got bored with it.
The original game was a side scroller however I relised it just made me less flexible with ideas. The original ZZT game was good because had so manny strange ideas and new ways to play each level. This why I decided to put the game back where it belongs, as an overhead game. Another reason I ditched it was because the engine I programmed was to much of an ass for me to use

One of my better releases. Whilst you do fight built-ins most of the time. The game is fun and has some pretty nice ideas. Probably one of my more decent ideas.
Eh, its okay. Not the best game ever but it was fairly decent. It was also the first game to start the imfamous "ZOMG! THE GRASS IS TEH SHARPE" which ruined it's release thread >_>;
Yuck. Most of you probably read my review for it but yeah, this game is ugly. The graphics are mostly stolen and don't look very good.
Even worse than the first. I don't know where Guy got the idea of Plasma Drop getting a new mysterous lacky though. Anyway just read my review.
The game had some pretty cool enemy ideas, the white glob things for example. Some of these enemys will appear in Drop 4. The game was tedious and repetitive to play through really. But it was okay, espically considering, whilst this was one of my first projects started it ending up being release waaay over late.
My first ZZT game ever. It couldn't upload it to Z2 though, maybe some other time. Basically you go through levels collect food items whilst solving various weird and strange puzzles. The bosses were challenging and some puzzles were tricky but it was a pretty good game, espcially considering this is the first ZZT game I ever made. IF you can find it I recommend trying it, its pretty fun.
Posted 22 March 2006 - 01:14 AM
Wervyn, on Mar 21 2006, 07:05 PM, said:
You did not see this here. It does not exist. It is not going to be the most awesome game you have ever seen. It is not going to set the MZX standard of quality so high that everyone will be afraid to release a game for at least a year afterwards. It is not going to have graphics that will consistently make you ask "how is that even POSSIBLE in MZX?" And it is most certainly never, ever going to be released. Ever.
I hate you.
But thanks, that was all-in-all a nice read. =D
Posted 22 March 2006 - 02:42 AM
Damned Quest {A} - My first attempt at using Megazeux. Used nothing but built-ins and no edited chars.
Darkrock {A} - Exploration game similar to Metroid. The player fought by shooting, laying bombs, and could also touch enemies to drain life and/or paralyze. There were also armors that could be found that gave extra effects when worn.
Damned Quest {B} - RPG-like game that starts with the player having to touch one of six statues to gain its powers. Also had situations with multiple outcomes(like being able to save a prisoner from execution or watch him die for fun).
Astral Force {A} - Final Fantasy clone with 1-on-1 battles.
Astral Force {B} - Same as {A}, but with multiple characters that can be switched around in a party.
Astral Force {C} - Same as {B}, but had graphics ripped from Final Fantasy.
Subdungeon {A} - Metroid clone with 8-way shooting. Also had a character creation mode, which was reused in Demon Earth.
Lost Sky - RPG where battles occur when enemies touch the player. Once initiated, the battles were fought on the same board with the participants standing there trading blows, which were animated. Also displayed tips whenever the player went to a new area or loaded a game. The game engine got reused in Master of Malice, but with many things removed.
Stick Figure - Megaman-like sidescroller using stick figures. This was finished, but I deleted it when I thought others wouldn't like it.
I'll list more later...or not at all.
Posted 22 March 2006 - 03:34 AM
Let's see, here are some of mine:
Zelda MZX (1996-7) - An attempt at a Zelda 1 style game in MZX, and the second project I worked on after Engine. I was planning on having a demo released after I finished the first dungeon but unfortunately, a HD crash occurred and I lost everything

Seiken Densetsu: Blade of Islan (1998) - Well, the original idea of the game called for even better graphics, a more robust combat engine, and not one story but three separate stories, all intermingling at the end. I don't remember much about the other ones, I think one of the guys was kind of based on Duran from SD3, kind of like how I based Kirei on Angela in SD3. Kirei in Blade of Islan as you know it was also in the game, her scenario being relatively unchanged, just downgraded in length.
Kikan (1998) - Wasn't originally gonna be the game that actually came out. It was gonna be along the lines of a sequel to the original Engine... hence the name, which is the Japanese word for "Engine". No silly and offensive humor, though more laid back and not quite as serious as the Engine games... I forget what actually happened... I think I just put in some silly stuff in as a joke and then just got out of hand with it... The released game is perhaps my least favorite game out of all the ones I released. Well you now know what is happening with this... its on its third conceptual redesign and I'm really excited about it.
Dragon Knight (1997-1998) - An RPG my brother was working on, in MZX Mag #3 you can see a screenshot. I helped out with the battle system, it was gonna be an FF style active time battle, but due to the lack of counters in early MZX, never really got off the ground. The first forest area was done, and the world map. Later my brother worked on another game with the same name that looked very cool - 1x2 Bernard the Bard style character, all the boards were 80x25 (stylistic reasons). The first area was a suburban town, where you had to collect mulberries from the local woods to give to a sick old lady. Then the next area was a tower completely covered in gold, after a misfiring of a machine, the 'midas machine' that naturally changes everything into gold. There was quite a bit done on the game but it was lost to the sands of time... I think the ending of the game might have been one of these postmodern style things where you realize you're in a game... LOL sound familiar to any of you PS2 owners?

Global Domination (1998) - My first attempt at a full MZX sidescroller, you can still find this in Megatsu #1, my magazine play on Famitsu, everybody's favorite Japanese games mag. Was to be your typical genetic modification creates a supermonster and you are called in to stop it, plot. Each level was to have a different objective, such as rescuing scientists, or defeating specific monster lairs. After making some of the first level, I just realized that sidescrollers in MZX weren't gonna work...
The Mysterious House (1998) - A graphic adventure type game in the vein of Shadowgate or Phantasy Star Adventure (Game Gear), this was gonna be an adventure game that took place in my neighborhood. Like some hidden treasure was buried there and it was up to you to find it. You would select from a menu whether or not to move/search objects/use an item/etc. Only did the screen displaying the cul-de-sac that my house is on before quickly giving up. Didn't even have a scenario written out.
nWo Hollywood 2 (2000) - I wrote out a whole scenario to the game but never really actually worked on it in MZX. The plot was basically, nWo Wolfpac and Hollywood would join up to win all the belts (including a final showdown at Madison Square Garden), and fight a new evil... David Arquette... you'd do such things like recruit Scott Hall as he was wandering around a beer distillery. The fighting system would have had sort of a Parasite Eve style to it, instead of the 1 on 1 battles in the original. It was like... you'd wander around on a wrestling ring (with the background matching the background of the area you were in...) and press buttons to do moves. Would've been pretty cool if I actually got to work on it.
Unknown Game #2 (2000) - This was never gonna be released fully... I just wanted to try my hand at creating a pretty solid RPG engine... and release it kind of like those white label artists do with music... like you see songs pop up on DJ charts... Unknown Artist - Untitled. Though it was pretty obvious who made it =P I still thought it was pretty cool and it featured my first song... SHIVA.S3M, with my friend Tony rapping over an oldskool hardhouse beat.
Light Odyssey (2000) - This was to be my final MZX game, a game starring my old college-years stomping ground - Buffalo, NY. An RPG with a modified "Unknown Game #2" battle system, 2x2 characters, lots of cinema-style graphics (highly anime influenced), and some of the best graphic work I've done in MZX. Finished the plot/scenario - it was kind of like a cross between Sartre and Chrono Cross, with symbolism and references back to various existentialist authors =P Did some graphic work, including the status screen, a bit of the battle engine, the windowing, the intro, and the main character's apartment. But, it was too ambitious for its own good, the fact that school was sucking up a lot of my time, and the fact I started using ASCII's RPG Maker series more, killed it. I might just release a small demo of what I did...

Posted 22 March 2006 - 03:49 AM
ICE PYRAMID [completed]
[ no screenshot yet ]
Shitty RPG with 1v1 battles and it looked ugly and the plot sucked but it was an okay length. I emailed this to some people that asked for it but other than that haven't disseminated it anywhere
ASCENSION [completed]
[ no screenshot yet ]
Also shitty RPG with 1v2 battles and an engine that was a slight improvement on Ice Pyramid. Levels were bigger than in Ice Pyramid so the game was longer. And the story was a slight improvement but I got tired of following the story after about the first level. Exo posted this on DMZX once not that long ago (couple years) and I also sent it to some people along with Ice Pyramid a few years before that
[ no screenshot yet ]
This one was also an RPG, but with 1v1 battles. However it was an improvement on the older games because it had a much better battle engine and the 1v1 battles were actually FUN (the battles in the other games were kinda boring). Had pretty-ish effects and lots of wasteful Robotic. I finished about 50 boards of this (roughly 1-2 hours of play) then got sick of working on it.
TAINT OF DARKNESS (some sort of theme here? =p) [completed, albeit buggy]
[ no screenshot yet ]
This was a DoZ game with 3v3 battles, and was a shitty ripoff of Torn Creation. Plot was boring, but (sorta) stuck to the theme. Not really notable.
[mental blank period.. don't remember what else I released in this time]
FLAME OF REVOK (or was it named something else) [completed but see below]
[ no screenshot yet ]
A DoZ game, it was kinda fancy and might have (judging from how people ranked it after the DoZ) came 2nd or 3rd or something, had a sword engine and stuff.. anyway I accidentally only submitted the title screen (I put the title screen in a sep. world and merged the worlds at the end, but sent the wrong thing) and as such it got DQed.
NECROSCATHE (did this come before or after revok and pandora? i don't remember) [completed]
[ no screenshot yet ]
Working with skylark, this game was kinda cute, had reasonable graphics and a somewhat nifty boss, as well as CUTSCENES rofl. It was for a WoZ and recieved an unfairly low rank (it ranked lower than a game with ONE ACCESSABLE (and very short) LEVEL).
PANDORA [completed]
[ no screenshot yet ]
lolololololololololol. Read asgromo's review on DMZX for a pretty thorough dissertation on this. I put it together in a couple bursts of productivity. With one (pre-community) exception, it has been my only game to date to use over 150 boards. Very difficult, buggy and requiring unbelievable reflexes to play, this game was hard.
[ no screenshot yet ]
This game WOULD have had 4v6 battles, three worlds, pretty graphics, nifty engines and a decent plot, but it never got far. I did an animated title screen, some logos, part of the battle engine, a bunch of player graphics and a heap of other concept stuff, but not much GAME.
[ no screenshot yet ]
Also working with Skylark, this was a somewhat fun little squad-based game where you controlled one member of your 8-person squad at a time using a variety of real-world and not-real-world weapons. Each person had a special ability, and the game had security cameras and vision-cone guards and scanline weapons and pretty explosions and a BOSS THAT SHOT MZX LASERS

[ no screenshot yet ]
DoZ game with Taitorian and Ghent. Had a somewhat neat story, a unique weapon engine and some other things. Fell apart before the end because I sucked. =p

@#&@#*(&@#! this would have been cool. Randomly-generated levels, a variety of weapons used ARPG-style, lots of acrobatic moves, PR-ish 3D levels, nifty-ish plot. I'm actually doing something slightly similar in my latest game, see below.. This game didn't get very far. I made a title screen (which I sorta recently posted)

You play a princess that is trying to stop traitors from destroying her father's reign over his kingdom. Again, an ARPG with a variety of weapons and stuff. Player engine (with weapons) and some boards fully implemented, but nothing else


Randomly-generated levels where you fight monsters (reusing the completed engine from Nihilist Entente) and go to other levels. I got bored of drawing tilesets for the random dungeon creator and making monsters (making monsters was a very slow process)
[ no screenshot yet ]
With Apollyon and asterick... I don't think we're going to get to finish this, but it was an SRPG with nifty things where you had a party that could build additional squads out of summoned Eideolons, and battle in a way kinda like a cross between the World Empire (or was it named something else? old dos game) and insert-generic-console-RPG-here battle engines.
ARCSH [5%]

It was just going to be a demonstration game for a quick pixel-perfect engine. I stopped working on it when the MZXAAs went to hell.

You're a blind but very quick and powerful entity, and you had to find and kill things with auditory clues. NOT inspired by WW's Silence.. but it was partly inspired by that scene in ep 3 of Noir.
ZYSINEN [0.1%]

not much to say but it was going to have a really big game world

lol you have a gun and you must shoot invisible fagots in an invisible maze! also there's politicans on the floor! lol
ASCEAI [10%]

This game is in development and stuff.
I'll continue to update this post as I remember more games.
(note: I'll edit and add screenshots to other things later)=

<Malwyn> Yes, yes. Don't worry I'd rather masturbate with broken glass than ask you for help again. :(
Posted 22 March 2006 - 12:47 PM

Posted 22 March 2006 - 03:54 PM
Psi Knight - Action game where the player could swing his weapon different ways and get various skills, ranging from psionics to magic spells and weapon techniques. I deleted this after making the first level because I didn't think anyone could handle the small(1x1) skill icons or the complex weapon controls, which were relative to the direction being faced.
Devil Tower - Diablo clone with many kinds of weapons and spells. Many things found in Demon Earth originated here.
Sword Master - Action game where the player could use special sword attacks and equip different weapons and armor. The player animations in this game are also used in Demon Earth.
Metal Slayer - Strategy game using giant robots. Not much was done with it.
Castlemania - Castlevania clone. Did almost everything the actual game did, but was a pain to work with because everything was 1x1 chars in a small viewport.
Subdungeon {B} - Metroid clone that almost functioned just like the real game. Had the same problems as Castlemania.
Master of Malice - First release. It was a toned-down version of Lost Sky, since I figured people probably couldn't handle the original content, which used the built-in message box a whole lot more.
Demon Earth - Second release. It was the first time I made a serious attempt at working on a project. Compared to later projects, I think this succeeded because I wasn't trying to make it immune to negative criticism. All the problems and glitches found in the game are actually intentional, though my reactions to the criticism weren't.
Darkroc {B} - Dungeon-crawler that made use of sprites, for a 2x2 player. It also read and stored data in the board, since the vlayer didn't exist yet.
Devil Gaiden - Sidescroller that was designed to play like an NES game. The first step of my downfall, since I started a journal for it and got tired of working. Since people were interested, I kept going, even when I didn't want to anymore.
Prototype RPG - Experimental game designed with easy editing in mind. The big mistake I made with this was telling people about it, so they got interested and compelled me to try and finish it.
Dark Core - DoZ entry. Another big step in my downfall, since it gave me the idea that I could spend several hours working on any project to get big results. I tried it with Devil Gaiden and went insane.
To be continued...I don't have time to list the rest.
Posted 22 March 2006 - 06:19 PM
2000 - after playing aropund with mzx and attempting all sorts of strange games i started an un-named 'space rpg' type game. It was sort of similar to starwarsKOTOR where you travelled between systems and planets and could visit different areas on each planet, theres no real plot(like LoR) just exploring and increrasin abilities. I still have it and would love to start over with it again but i just cant find the time.
2003(i think) - LoR demo it was the beginings of the game but it used smilies and its very basic compared to the new release
2005 - Legend of Rhovanion. Fantasy adventure/rpg. This has been my biggest and longest project taking about 5 years to complete(and i still keep adding things!) The beta standalone v1.1 is released and i'm currently working very hard to finish v1.2 which i want to release within a few months.
2006+ - well after i release LoR v1.2 i'm not sure?! There's still LoE and LoN to go with LoR but i really cant see myself completing them before 2020 at the rate i work!! I'm thinking of starting my space rpg up again but i dont know, it would be loosly based on LoR lots of planets to explore and stuff but i'm crap at plots and endings so i don't know what it could end up like.
This post has been edited by LeDgEnD: 22 March 2006 - 06:22 PM
Posted 22 March 2006 - 10:49 PM
Zombie Quest 2
basically we just couldn't get the old group together so this game died before it was even a blink in the father's eye.
This game WAS supposed to bring me glory... It was a story about a vagabond bard who just went around doing stuff. a very serious adventure game. instead it brought me a corrupted file, so blah.
oh man, first it was just a sprite sword engine test but then i made and animated 2x2 knight character and decided to make a game. i finished the title board, but since i didn't know how to use sprites properly i decided to dumb this hack'n slash project.
Worlds of War, it was supposed to be a sidescroller/shooter. i got my inspiration for this from Metal Slug. this game was senteced to death because i couldn't fix a problem with the spriter.
so we come to a conclusion....I HATE YOU SPRITES =(
Posted 23 March 2006 - 01:17 AM
Also, having all those different weapons with fancy moves sounds like what I was planning to do with Elsewhere. Only your stuff looks way better then what I would have pulled off so now I don't know if I should even bother.
This post has been edited by Seventh Shade: 23 March 2006 - 01:20 AM
Posted 23 March 2006 - 02:29 AM
World Chaos - This game was my first serious game and boy did it suck. It was never really finished but it got shot down and it sucked something real bad.
Robostoner series - a supposed 2 part series. Part 1 was mostly sidescroller with a short top-down adventure part and the second one was intended to be an epic adventure game about a robot who wanted to get high.
Partition Magic series - I made this a bit after I had a partition gobbled up by partition magic and made a satirical game about how it sucks ass. It was a 2 part series of short games that were mostly cinematics.
Some game i forget the name - Supposed to be my first serious game. It was supposed to be a gloomy game about the world after some huge disaster and eventually a corrupted government and stuff. All that came of it was a titlescreen and a small part of a cinematic.
That's all I remember and this is probably my largest post.

Posted 23 March 2006 - 03:25 AM
Well, I'm working on Asceai. If anything I posted will be finished, that will.
you won't be saying that when I get around to posting pics of the earlier stuff, if I ever do =p
But thanks, I guess. I'm definitely not anything extraordinary in that department, though.. that's Quasar's turf. =p
Don't say that... make the stuff. Remember that hardly any of this was ever released and most of it won't be released.

<Malwyn> Yes, yes. Don't worry I'd rather masturbate with broken glass than ask you for help again. :(
Posted 23 March 2006 - 05:05 AM
Sticky Smiley (1996) - First thing I seriously attempted upon learning about MZX. It was a fairly typical sidescroller, adapted from Crystal City's brief sidescrolling section. My engine was somewhat different in that it had wallclimb/jump inspired by Megaman X. (And hence the title of the game, Sticky Smiley.) I don't think it was so terrible even now but that may just be my faulty memory. The game was finished with ~20 levels and I sent it to somebody's e-mail (Maybe MattW) but never got a reply and lost my only copy of the game. Oh well.
Dragon Isle II (1999) - For three years I didn't do much in the way of game making, and what I did do never materialized. Until this game. It was mercifully short, and guest-starred typically bad Quasar-dialogue (I'm sorry for V-Complex and Demon Surge and Distance. Avarite is about as good as my writing gets. --; ) In any case, it was a forgettable side scroller that I revived for my Anthology of Suck, which was intended for Es' showcase of failure that never materialized. I could still release it but you're better off not seeing it. =P Oh, yes, a friend of mine did the original Dragon Island for ZZT. It's gone now forever, AFAIK.
Dragon Isle III (Old version, 1999/2000) A very bad sequel to DI2. Also a sidescroller contained in the Anthology of Suck.
Dragon Isle III (Released Version, 2001 I think) - A totally new sequel to DI2. Better in most ways than the previous DI3 but still pretty bad and quite difficult. (Sorry to people who played through it's more difficult original release version. :Looks in the direction of Tixus:) Also fairly long (100+ boards.) This one is actually in the DMZX Archive, but I think I'd prefer it if you didn't play it. ^^
Dragon Isle IV - Did some beginning work but quit upon the recommendation of a friend that I just let the series die. It's for the best really.
(Insert slew of DoZ games here.)
Master of the Void - My best "solo" project, an epic roguelike-like with a lot of randomization. Had a town maker/editor and a world map generator/viewer, but most of that work is gone now. Don't expect to ever see this. =P
Rayburn - A roguelike I started in C. It might get done someday, if I can stop getting myself stalled in its design phase.
CounterRevolution - It might be done one day, who knows. Also, you did half the dialogue Wervyn? =O It goes to show how little we communicated with each other that that's news to me. =P
...Can't think of anything else to write here... ^^ Maybe I should ask Wervyn...
Posted 25 March 2006 - 04:52 PM
Jester, on Mar 22 2006, 05:49 PM, said:
Zombie Quest 2
basically we just couldn't get the old group together so this game died before it was even a blink in the father's eye.
This game WAS supposed to bring me glory... It was a story about a vagabond bard who just went around doing stuff. a very serious adventure game. instead it brought me a corrupted file, so blah.
oh man, first it was just a sprite sword engine test but then i made and animated 2x2 knight character and decided to make a game. i finished the title board, but since i didn't know how to use sprites properly i decided to dumb this hack'n slash project.
Worlds of War, it was supposed to be a sidescroller/shooter. i got my inspiration for this from Metal Slug. this game was senteced to death because i couldn't fix a problem with the spriter.
so we come to a conclusion....I HATE YOU SPRITES =(
You forgot Kodiak, that space shooter that I started two songs for!
<+AFK> dormando's apathy is palpable.
* AFK palpates
<dormando> stop that
<Malwyn> undressing with revvy a little over a metre away. new definition of awkward.