What are you playing?
Posted 16 August 2019 - 07:38 AM
The strangest thing about the playthrough was at a lot of parts I felt that I'd already seen/heard about some of this game, like some of the major plot points, even though I've never actually looked into the game before. Couple of things story-wise disappointed me about the game. The end of the first chapter gave me the sense that the main character had some weird ability that let them absorb the essence of those that died, and I was hoping that'd be the game's big twist. I was also hoping that the game would randomize what characters would survive to the next chapter, so that you could learn more about everyone on subsequent playthroughs. A big issue I had with the story is that I felt like the investigations revealed too much information to where you could easily figure out most of the important "plot twists" that pop up during the trial. I played on the "nice" logic setting though so I don't know how much of an effect that had on anything. I also felt like there were too many points where the script felt padded out.
That said, I still liked the trials. The voice acting helped to make retreading old information/obvious reveals entertaining. My favorite element in the game had to have been the non-stop debates, and I wish you weren't booted out of them after making a single counter argument.
<phthalocyanine> they make experiences.
<Nadir> demos, more like
<Nadir> a glimpse into what could have been if mzx wasn't such a bore to work with
<Nadir> actually, i'm being unfair
<Nadir> i would have made mzx games if it was capable of running on more than 20 computers worldwide in 1998
<Nadir> >:D
<%Alice> functor
<%nooodl> i hear C++ has a thing called functors and they're completely different from Haskell functors...
<rorirover> the result is the most horrid thing in C++, it's basically black magic and it transforms any code you're writing into some eldritch monstrosity
Posted 01 October 2019 - 02:38 AM
Also playing a bit of Link's Awakening for Switch and the goose game
Posted 25 October 2019 - 03:07 AM
Posted 16 December 2019 - 02:15 AM
Posted 16 December 2019 - 07:52 AM
And I'm pretty much always coming back to Euro Truck Simulator 2/American Truck Simulator here and there. Unironically really good games.
Posted 21 May 2020 - 07:31 PM
After that I will do a chronological playthrough of my backlog, 2 or 3 games from each system I own in chronological order... starting from NES and SMS, and going all the way up to Cube and Wii. First orders of business will be Felix the Cat, River City Ransom, and the Famicom version of CVIII.
Posted 26 May 2020 - 06:37 AM
Also been playing Wizardry 8 and it's surprisingly good. Never really played this series before.
A while ago I also completed the first person shooter Amid Evil and it's straight up amazing. It's the best game I've played in 2020 so far and definitely in my top ten of all FPS games I've played.
And I'm getting into Mount & Blade too. Kinda time consuming, so I'm not geting very far.
Posted 08 June 2020 - 07:57 PM
Posted 12 June 2020 - 03:07 PM
Dr Sparkle's (Chronsega) coverage of the game
Posted 30 June 2020 - 06:41 AM
That Alex the Kid game that was built-in on some old Master System consoles was cool. I can still remember the water music from level 1.
Posted 13 July 2020 - 09:17 PM
It's a super-flawed game that's so simple to break - by keeping up to date with the latest armor, and equipping one or two "stick" accessories (that increase DEF, you can equip as many accessories as you have free inventory slots), enemies will literally not be able to damage you. I think there was only one point in the game where enemies were damaging me (when I got overzealous with selling my equipment and found out I didn't have enough to buy replacement equipment). The graphics remind me a bit of an early Genesis game like Thunder Force II, grainy, dithered, with a slightly darker look than most of the other RPGs at the time.
The music is fantastic, and there's a fairly interesting underlying plot of a civil war between wizards, with the "good guys" losing and the evil wizards infiltrating different kingdoms and stirring shit up. The combat is like the early Ultima titles, grid based with slooooow movement and a clunky interface. The world map is seamless, large (though lacking in landmark) areas that are easy to get lost in. My favorite part is a kingdom consisting of 13 different towns built on top of one another. The plot here you need to piece together by discussing with the NPCs (and trying to parse a fairly poor translation), wherein a group of wizards manipulated the city's noblemen to keep pushing further and further underground, eventually the enslaved citizens ran up against curses (turned to stone) and uncovered ghosts and other horrors down there. Still not the greatest game but interesting enough and super obscure for an English-released RPG.
Posted 17 July 2020 - 03:33 AM
Posted 05 August 2020 - 09:15 PM
Posted 18 August 2020 - 10:48 PM
Also beat Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys, Power Blade, and about to beat Willow. Then playing some River City Ransom, Rygar, Felix the Cat... got lots of good NES lined up.
Posted 05 September 2020 - 04:14 PM
Now onto SNES, starting with some Breath of Fire 2. Wonder if this will overtake #3 as my favorite in the series?
Posted 19 August 2021 - 06:48 PM
Posted 05 November 2021 - 06:06 PM
I'm nearing the end of it according to this FAQ I've been following, but this one area with all these goddamn pitfalls keeps tripping me up.
Then it's off to Ghost Lion, Rambo, and Magic of Scheherazade on NES.
I've also recently finished Actraiser Renaissance and Arise. A lot of people seem to like both but I felt they were both fairly disappointing.
This post has been edited by djtiesto: 05 November 2021 - 06:06 PM
Posted 02 November 2022 - 12:39 AM
Soon: Stray and Star Ocean 6