nooodl, on Dec 20 2009, 07:00 AM, said:
I used to play that quite a bit, along with another game called O2Jam which was a korean mmo version of it (think iidx meets gunbound or any other korean "room" based online game). Since you're playing it on the computer, I have to strongly recommend using a real iidx controller. Keyboard versus the controller are two totally different games (although to a lesser extent than, say, DDR pad versus keyboard, but still significant). You can probably find a PS2 one pretty cheaply, since they made an American version of the game (although just one due to lack of sales and it was a somewhat limited run), and you can hook it up to your computer with a PSX->USB converter, which I recommend buying if you don't have one but have any sort of playstation controller (the psx/2 controller works awesomely as a gamepad for many games, and of course you can also use it to hook up a ddr pad, guitar hero controller, and whatnot).
I personally have been playing Borderlands with my roommate. That game surprised me with just how incredible it was. It's the first single-player FPS I've ever finished. I finished the first playthrough of it by myself with a beserker (the guy seems borderline overpowered, but it's just so satisfying going up, punching a boss a few times, and watching him explode in a total of about 5 seconds), and, as I said, with my roommate with another class. We're currently about half-way through the second playthrough.
I've also been playing WoW a lot since they released the most recent content patch. They added a ton of stuff both to the endgame and to the beginning to make it a lot more friendly and enjoyable to new players. To anybody who hasn't tried it, but has been sort of interested, now is one of the best times to give it a try for free. If you're interested, give me a pm and I can give you my info so we can play together.