Padz' journal
Posted 18 March 2009 - 11:32 PM
Also I like your description of the games direction sounds like Final Fantasy 6 meets steampunk.
Posted 26 March 2009 - 04:27 PM
Posted 21 April 2009 - 03:37 PM
Expect some new game to pop up by summer it'll add to the the list I already have and increase chances of a viable release.
Posted 12 October 2009 - 11:18 AM
I have a current project that I am quite excited by so I'll be working on this to see how it turns out. I wont let on what it's about just yet except it'll be based on game engines I have made or alluded to in this Journal(With modification and modernization). Also is most likely to be a medieval style setting.
Any other games from this Journal I plan on either turning into an engine release or smoothing off the game into something short but playable and releasing.
Posted 09 December 2009 - 01:54 PM

I've also noticed that the version of LoR in the Archives is two updates behind what I have. I plan on adding a little more content(a few extra side quests and dungeons. Ideas welcome) and completing bug fixes. This isn't a massive undertaking so hopefully it'll get me inspired again to work on my other projects.
I want to do something more with Hiveworld, at least making it a small playable game rather than only a demo. I might make it a randomised sidescroll dundeon crawler. We'll see.
With the random map/RPG engine I'll try and make it into a random kill & loot game. No plot, just a massive random land to explore, battle and find treasure.
Posted 10 December 2009 - 04:45 AM
This definitely gives me more ideas and perceptions about MZX graphics.
Posted 16 December 2009 - 06:36 PM
Although I planned on using this for every dungeon in the game, and also having randomised tile placed wilderness' and towns; I am now thinking that the more random the game is made the less detailed and emersive it becomes. So to that end I will be most likely creating the game by hand with some minimal randomisation and perhaps one dungeon using the above mention engine.
I may also clean up the engine a make it a solo engine release for someone else to play with.
Essentially what I'm attempting to do with this game is make a dynamically changing quest economy. So random quests will be generated by guilds or whatever depending on player actions or other game going ons and the player could take up the quest and complete it or perhaps a NPC adventurer will complete it before the player even realises, this in turn will influence other areas of the game and open up new areas. So even with a premade world each game will be different.
There is also a main plotline that will show itself at some point in the game. When, where and how will be influenced by the player and quest economy.
Posted 12 May 2011 - 04:54 PM
Enjoy. Game to come in the future...
Attached File(s)
Newscreens.rar (103K)
Number of downloads: 100
Posted 13 May 2011 - 12:51 AM
xx̊y (OST) - HELLQUEST (OST) - Zeux I: Labyrinth of Zeux (OST) (DOS OST)
w/ Lancer-X and/or asgromo: Pandora's Gate - Thanatos Insignia - no True(n) - For Elise OST
MegaZeux: Online Help File - Keycode Guide - Joystick Guide - Official GIT Repository
Posted 13 May 2011 - 06:50 PM
The weapons engines are mostly complete. I've but a fair bit of effort in to them. The longbow for example you pull out the bow and notch an arrow drawing back at a speed depending on your skill. You can loose an arrow at any point in the draw but you get more range and power with a longer draw.
So far I've done the spear, sword, longbow, musket and pistol. plenty more planned.
Gamewise I have about 25% of the top buildings done and a good few quest lines plotted out. character generation and progression is mapped out and partly done. I'd like to get a teaser demo out by the end of summer which will have a part of the city with some show of the engines and an introductory quest.
And until I have the time to learn another language to make my creations in I'll still use MZX

Posted 23 May 2011 - 07:36 PM
Attached File(s)
Journal Screenshots.rar (35.66K)
Number of downloads: 99
Posted 24 May 2011 - 01:26 PM
xx̊y (OST) - HELLQUEST (OST) - Zeux I: Labyrinth of Zeux (OST) (DOS OST)
w/ Lancer-X and/or asgromo: Pandora's Gate - Thanatos Insignia - no True(n) - For Elise OST
MegaZeux: Online Help File - Keycode Guide - Joystick Guide - Official GIT Repository
Posted 24 May 2011 - 03:09 PM
T-Bone, on 24 May 2011 - 08:47 AM, said:
Haha! I didn't notice when I filtered through the screenshots!
Lachesis the speech does load from mzms it's a pretty simple engine but it works. Here is the code:
set "$speech" to "dave"
files for quad branch convo:
: "justentered"
. "resets engine"
set "$selects" to ""
. "loads first speech mzm"
put "@&$speech&1.mzm" Image_file p00 at 3 2
: "do"
wait for 1
. "waits until mouse click"
if "buttons" = 0 then "do"
. "ends conversation"
if c81 Text p?? at "mousex" "mousey" then "leave"
. "ensures only the correct buttons are clicked"
if cf0 Text p?? at "mousex" "mousey" then "do"
if c?? CustomBlock p?? at "mousex" "mousey" then "do"
. "every choice will increase the value of $selects by the mouse position 15,17,19,21 corresponding to buttons on the mzm"
inc "$selects" by "&mousey&"
. "loads relevant mzm"
put "@&$speech&-&$selects&.mzm" Image_file p00 at 3 2
. "sets the current outcome for the robot back in game world to use"
set "$outcome" to "&$speech&-&$selects&"
wait for 10
goto "do"
: "leave"
restore player position from 8
You can carry on the convo for as long as you need with as many options as you want. I currently use a max of four options for each "slide" of convo. It's good for long and varied conversations with simple outputs but coudn't be used for anything too complicated like checking values mid convo.
Oh and I'm glad you liked the book theme I've wanted to do it for years I think it adds a good bit of character and looks good. from title screen to character generation it opens up nice and smoothly too

Posted 25 May 2011 - 01:02 AM
xx̊y (OST) - HELLQUEST (OST) - Zeux I: Labyrinth of Zeux (OST) (DOS OST)
w/ Lancer-X and/or asgromo: Pandora's Gate - Thanatos Insignia - no True(n) - For Elise OST
MegaZeux: Online Help File - Keycode Guide - Joystick Guide - Official GIT Repository
Posted 25 May 2011 - 03:32 PM
Posted 07 June 2011 - 07:59 PM
So with this in mind I have come up with a new project model. It still uses the same engines and almost everything I have already completed it'll just be heading in a slightly different direction. A direction which has more of the elements I enjoy coding and therefore making the game more enjoyable for me to finish! Not that any of you'll really know the difference though!
The main change is that I'm not focusing on one huge city anymore (as the economics was getting too hard to follow) but concentrating instead on several smaller settlements connected together. There will then be routes that connect the locations which you will travel on like roads or rivers and less known hidden paths and passes which you can learn. on these routes you may have semi-random encounters of various types, some good or bad. You can also find semi-random quests in the settlements which lead you around the map.
The main storyline will be interlaced with this quest-based economic land.
So nothing major, just a change in direction.
Posted 08 June 2011 - 01:18 AM

I think the smaller cities idea is probably better in the long run. If you get tired of designing one style of town you can come up with a new style, etc.
xx̊y (OST) - HELLQUEST (OST) - Zeux I: Labyrinth of Zeux (OST) (DOS OST)
w/ Lancer-X and/or asgromo: Pandora's Gate - Thanatos Insignia - no True(n) - For Elise OST
MegaZeux: Online Help File - Keycode Guide - Joystick Guide - Official GIT Repository
Posted 08 June 2011 - 09:03 AM
But the smaller settlement idea should sort it out. no more than 100 buildings in the largest settlement with 3-4 towns 5-8 villages and a splattering of hamlets. Each settlement will have a resource it specializes in to export to the others and will have a demand of certain items it cant produce. there will be an engine which will act as NPC traders to keep the economy alive but the player should be able to realise good trade routes to set up. This will be semi randomised so you have to figure it out each new game.
The actual main gameplay will be quest based this economy is just the frame for the quests if you see where i'm going!
Anyways I think it's actually simpler than I'm putting across but I'll only really find out once I have the engines actually made!
Posted 05 July 2012 - 01:14 PM
Basically the game will be based in a medieval world with towns and villages with imports, exports, quests and stuff and you are an adventurer travelling around trying to make a name for yourself. There will be an overarching questline but lots of random quests and places to explore along with monsters to kill and bandits to capture.
It is all point & click menus with a lot of behind the scenes calculations to figure out what happens making each game unique, there's no actual player contolled adventurer.
Hope that sounds good, it's only going to be about 10 boards and with low amount of graphics so should be managable to complete!
Posted 19 January 2021 - 07:47 AM
I have uploaded the Ancient Legends game to the site which was previously released in 2013 but not officially uploaded. I plan to finish off some of the incomplete sections of the game and make it a little more user friendly to new players. I could do with adding some music but thats not my strong point, if anyone wants to volunteer their music creating talents please let me know.
Hiveworld will likely stay as it is, a concept demo. However I will also play through it and look to tweak any issues.
I also plan on releasing Legend of Rhovanion V1.22. This has been sat on a hard drive for years which I have occasionally edited and has a fair few bug fixes. Again thanks to the Web player I can spend some free time in work play testing and then fix the bugs at home.
This post has been edited by Padz: 22 January 2021 - 05:59 PM
Posted 21 January 2021 - 08:37 AM
Sadly, there aren't many CRPG style games in MZX.
Posted 22 January 2021 - 07:07 PM
MicMotorhead, on 21 January 2021 - 08:37 AM, said:
Sadly, there aren't many CRPG style games in MZX.
Glad you like the look of it, I would wait until I release this next version there will be a substantial amount of changes.
I've just finished improving the overall day and night engine and lighting effects. Currently adding in some fast travel and tweaking the spells.
Posted 25 January 2021 - 07:31 AM
Padz, on 22 January 2021 - 08:07 PM, said:
I've just finished improving the overall day and night engine and lighting effects. Currently adding in some fast travel and tweaking the spells.
I'll follow your advice and wait until you think it's ready for prime time

Sounds like some neat changes. The game sounds fairly sophisticated - certainly for an MZX game.
Posted 26 January 2021 - 09:42 AM
New character generation screen and rework of race/class stats system.
Day and night engine rework. See GIF attached.
Fast travel.
Spells rework.
Partially completed:
New inventory screen and inventory rework.
Graphical rework of many game areas.
Achievements and game % complete screen
Combat improvements.
Character levelling improvements
Posted 26 January 2021 - 05:48 PM
Posted 29 January 2021 - 07:44 AM
Posted 31 January 2021 - 01:44 PM
Upgraded bed
Alchemy workstation
Potions cabinet
Cooking pot
Training dummy
Thieves training toolkit
Saving chest
Posted 04 February 2021 - 08:02 AM
I've also finished off a lot of the new inventory, again with mouse support and more informative menus. One major update is a proper quest tracker so you can see what you need to do for each guild and quest line.
A couple of areas are also being updated and extended as I go through them, some quests which were very basic will now be more fleshed out. There's also a few more evil path lines than before.
This post has been edited by Padz: 04 February 2021 - 04:03 PM