If you're wondering why Cybil (the player character) has no eyes on one of the screens, it's because it captured her in the middle of an eye blinking animation.
"Birch Grove 2"

"Seatown East"

"Country Road West"

"Red Oak"

"Country Road Mine"

"Temple Ruins"

"Road to Red Oak"

"Seatown West"

"Burgwall East"

I've got quite a few dungeons by now, but still many more to go.
The game is quite substantial already, especially when you consider the amount of possibly quite tricky puzzles/riddles that appear here and there in the game world. (it's the question mark statues found in certain locations). Most are optional, but if the player chooses to attempt solving them all, that will probably account for quite a lot of game time. At least if you suck as much at puzzles as I tend to do

This post has been edited by MicMotorhead: 09 June 2019 - 11:55 PM