Everett Kaser's puzzle sets are not included; they are copyright and you will have to pay Everett Kaser for them. However, other people have made their own puzzle sets, and some of them you can find are available for free. (You must then convert them, using the included "mbtofhm" program.) You can also make up your own puzzles in Free Hero Mesh.
Binaries are not available at this time; it is only the source codes so far, although the program does work if it is compiled.
Fossil repositories are available:
A git-fast-export file is available upon request, in case you prefer git rather than fossil. There is also a NNTP for discussing it.
If you have any suggestions, feature requests, questions, complaints, bug reports, patches, etc, please most a message about it. (You may post here, or on the NNTP. Using the NNTP is preferred.)
This post has been edited by zzo38: 28 March 2021 - 04:24 AM