Message from the Management
When you finish a new game, demo, engine, or utility, the first thing to do is
submit it to the archive for approval. (Log in first, then Upload a New Game from the sidebar.) Then feel free to post about it in this forum; in fact, please continue to do this. This is so people will actually know about your game and play it. As nice as it is to have archive uploads automated, it's not going to help much if no one knows you have a new game to play.
When uploading your games to the archive, please zip up your game using the .ZIP format, even if it is just a .MZX file. As for less popular formats (such as RAR and 7Z), games uploaded in these formats will be rejected. This is because as wonderful as those compression algorithms might be, ZIP is a near universal compression standard, and the only one that will work with the in-game archive browser planned for MZX.
You can also attach your game to a new thread in this forum. In this case, you can use whatever compression format you find suitable. NOTE: Games posted this way won't be put into the archive unless submitted to the archive proper, or unless the author states he/she wants the game in.
Lastly, we suggest you post a suitable screenshot of your submission (in PNG format) along with the game.
Bramblekid's Stack of Unfinished Games 2
19-March 04
Gender:Not Telling
Posted 17 March 2023 - 07:15 PM
A lot of them.
One of them, actually 'finished.'
The Shot.
Finish creating or debug the games for all I care. And then re-release them as a co-creator.
Just had to get these out.
ILY blah blah blah


The ZIP is too big (curses. sorry, lance

/>) -
request with email and I will send. Sorry for everything, I guess. Thanks.
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