weasel's Profile
Reputation: 1
- Group:
- Members
- Active Posts:
- 8,198 (0.94 per day)
- Most Active In:
- The Junkyard (3610 posts)
- Joined:
- 23-December 00
- Profile Views:
- 55,542
- Last Active:
- Private
- Currently:
- Offline
My Information
- Member Title:
- bleh
- Age:
- 37 years old
- Birthday:
- June 15, 1987
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Hillsboro, Oregon
Contact Information
- E-mail:
- Click here to e-mail me
- AIM:
- wildweasellemon
- MSN:
- wild.weasel@gmail.com
- Yahoo!:
- wildweasel68k
- ICQ:
- 240668208
- Website URL:
- http://weaselsblaugh.blogspot.com/
Previous Fields
- PSN Name:
- wildweasel486
- Xbox Live! Name:
- wildweasel486
- Wii Friend Code:
- 1992 - 9515 - 2102
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14 Feb 2013 - 04:48