Name Author Released Rating DLs 
Realms of the Undead Democoolzx  72
Attack of the Killer Pikachuscornsalt 2000-09-04 73
Oh?cornsalt 2001-01-20 66
Cornbombcornsalt   75
Corn Collectioncornsalt  No reviews.80
Mr. Big Hat's Fantastic Day at the Beachcornsalt 2001-12-02 62
Fiona's Sepulchracornsalt 2002-07-02 77
MZX Maze LandCountRedBeard 2007-12-29 71
Abrogated MZX Maze LandCountRedBeard 2008-04-01 88
TVKILLCountRedBeard 2008-11-28No reviews.65
Prisons of MegazuexCountRedBeard 2010-02-12 435
FLASHFLASHFLASHCountRedBeard 2010-03-28No reviews.74
Cheezy Game, ACraig J  79
Adlo EP DemocraNKGod 2002-06-10 209
Adlo (ver. 2.0)craNKGod 2000-12-23 496
Flik!Creator1996-01-27 81
Slimed! Demo (ver. 0.3)Creator  94
Planetary Defense Station SUPERCreator1995-03-31No reviews.44
ThingCrus 1998-04-05 67
Bomb ThreatCrus 1997-02-20 97
Chain ReactionCyQ 2001-04-29 76
fragD J L  74
Laser TagDaarke  74
Day When the Monsters Invaded, TheDaniel Cole1999-06-06 75
Demolition DerbeyDaniel Garzone  79
Blood Drinker PreviewDarkRaichu2000-08-17 85
Dragon Breath Ch.1 DemoDarkRaichu & Peanut7b8  73
Magic RippleDavid E. Li No reviews.99
David N. CollectionDavid N.  95
Island of Snooble, TheDavid Walker1997-03-07 80
Aadasia DemoDchewer 1997-02-19 97
CalmnessDchewer 1996-10-07 344
Damaged MindDchewer 1996-07-03 120
DarknessDchewer 1996-10-01 453
Honor Quest 2 Chapter 1Dchewer 1997-09-06 178
MiniDarknessDchewer 1998-11-23 195
RangestDchewer 1997-03-17 239
Darkness 3 [Incomplete]Dchewer 2007-06-27No reviews.96
Honor Quest (ver. 1.0a FIX)Dchewer 1996-06-24 410
Darkness IIDchewer / Ibrahim1997-04-02 289
Honor Quest SEDchewer and myth1997-12-09 303
Doomsday Dream Legend: The Zordanian Chronicles (Remake) (project dump)DDCecil 2012-12-21No reviews.89
Doomsday Dream Legend I: The Zordanian Chronicles (ver. 2001)DDCecil 2001-08-14No reviews.83
Doomsday Dream Legend II: Revenge of True Evil (ver. 2001)DDCecil 2001-08-14No reviews.71
Doomsday Dream Legend 25th (ver. 1.8)DDCecil 2023-01-05No reviews.190
!nsane X-MasDeadPhrog1996-12-21 122
Arena IV, The: Boss SeriesDGMascaro1997-08-01 158
Arena V, The: Arena AssaultDGMascaro1997-08-01 158
Arena VI, The: Power MageDGMascaro1997-08-29 82
Arena VII, The: Arena MasterDGMascaro1997-08-31 80