Name Author Released Rating DLs 
MiniDarknessDchewer 1998-11-23 195
Twip: The HomeschoolerThDPro 2006-12-30 196
Cheese's AdventureLogiCow 2005-07-03 196
Smiley RPGMallo1997-12-23 197
Zog the Hunter 2 Demo (ver. 3)Legendd1998-05-27 197
Run! Run! Run!Wervyn/Esdemo1/Trev-MUN2004-12-28 197
NEW BEYOND TEH WEIRD etc., THE (2nd Anniversary Edition)Tixus and Esdemo12004-08-23 200
Bumper Stickers (ver. 2.0)Kewlio 2009-03-17 200
Ice Planet: KMC VersionScribbit2000-01-10 201
Battlesuits Demo 2Gemini 2000-01-01 203
PillowBan (ver. 4.0)GetDizzy 2018-12-30 203
ArcBramble 2011-07-22 205
Most Meaningless Game in the World 6, The (ver. Fixed)JDewbre1997-03-02 208
Zombie QuestJester / Jauhis2002-08-19 208
TechieBramble 2014-05-15 208
Booshkies Demo (Original) (ver. 2)Duhreetoh 1998-02-16 209
Hunt the Wumpus 3DMenTaLguY1997-06-09 209
Adlo EP DemocraNKGod 2002-06-10 209
Confectioner's Recipe, AThDPro 2013-09-30 210
Reconquista+EscalationDr Lancer-X 2009-06-28 211
KM's Univers!KMSpill1996-04-24 212
Oh No! Not Another Star Wars Parody!CapnKev1996-09-19 214
Dark NovaExophase / Wervyn / Guyver1999-12-30 215
Engine (ver. 2.1)djtiesto 1999-07-11 216
Knife BroCJA 2010-03-05 216
Fate of the Grunges 2zombieguy 2004-10-08 218
BLARGFRDRGMAHAG!Kuddy 2003-02-05 219
Nuclear Nightmare (ver. 3.0)Krad 2004-10-21 223
ShadowsongTixus/Esdemo1/Quasar842002-07-06 227
Gates: The PuzzlesMenTaLguY1998-01-31 229
BrotherhoodHercules   230
Locozombieguy 2006-09-17 230
Pandemonium Buster (ver. 1.1)Dr Lancer-X/Maxim2021-04-22 230
Dark CornerDraconic Creations1998-08-16 232
MegaZeux RPG Arena (ver. 4.5)Baby Bonnie Hood 2013-08-13No reviews.232
Talon's TaleOtto Germain 1997-01-18 234
RangestDchewer 1997-03-17 239
nWo Hollywooddjtiesto 1998-08-19 239
Doom SpireKom 2007-09-11 241
Block WarsKKairos 2004-01-09 242
XenogenesisAutumn Dreams1997-04-13 246
MZX Combat TrainerArctic Fusion  249
Dragonbreed DemoGalladin 2004-06-15 249
augh! (ver. 1.1)Dr Lancer-X 2013-12-08 250
BonesteelCJA 2018-04-17 250
Darbytown 2DNBishop1997-06-17 258
Wes (ver. 2)Bramble 2006-03-08 264
ASCII Robowars 3D Demo Re-Release (ver. 0.9)Gemini 2001-04-15 267
Dragon Isle III (ver. Normal)Quasar84 2003-10-06 268
Fallen (ver. 1.3)Maxim 2011-09-30 270