Name Author Released Rating DLs 
fejjnessfejjy   89
FFMZX DemoMegacker  72
Final Fantasy Edventuredjtiesto 1997-06-20 367
Final Fantasy: Dynasty Prelude (Project Release)Akwende 2000-09-11 87
Final Fantasy: Dynasty Prelude (Public Demo)Akwende   88
Final Fantasy: Dynasty Prelude PreviewAkwende   118
Final Quest ILou Mancilla  79
Final Quest IILou Mancilla  81
Final Search DemoEaston Blue 2001-12-22No reviews.83
Find the Toilet Adventurecommodorejohn 2005-11-09 90
Fiona's Sepulcher Chapter 1 (ver. 2)Rawhide C 2000-10-14 175
Fiona's Sepulchracornsalt 2002-07-02 77
Fireflies - A Vignette (ver. 1.2)GetDizzy 2023-04-13No reviews.68
FireworksRed Penguin 2006-07-04 73
Fist Full of Entrails, A (ver. 3)Maxim 2009-01-31No reviews.139
Flameblade DemoPermanente  71
Flash - A Kitty Cat AdventureFlashBlast   90
FLASHFLASHFLASHCountRedBeard 2010-03-28No reviews.74
Flik!Creator1996-01-27 81
Fluke Demogokachu 2002-04-18 65
Foamballs 2: The Foamballs are Gone! (ver. 0.67) CHAOS 256 Colors2018-07-03No reviews.52
Foamballs Full Release (ver. 7.0) CHAOS 256 Colors2018-03-26 64
Foamine Controls her Surroundings! CHAOS 256 Colors2017-08-21 81
Forest of ElvesSpellWeavre 1995-11-22 99
Forgotten (ver. 1.1f)Lachesis 2012-12-31 689
Forrester (ver. 1.3)inmate2993 2005-06-09 826
fragD J L  74
Freakish Town I & IIZZTurbo1996-03-27 116
Freaky MegaZeuxbad banana   95
Freaky MegaZeux 2bad banana   97
Fred the FreakRoto 1997-05-29 146
Fred the Freak 2Roto 1997-06-18 91
Fred the Freak GaidenRoto 1998-08-20No reviews.91
Freddy Democheezit200   90
Frogs & Toads Demozombieguy 2004-10-21 95
Frostbite 3020Scott Vyper   79
Frostbite Part II DemoScott Vyper 2002-07-04 64
Full Blown Nonsense Demograa   75
FundiezerrBiGBuBBa / goodcow No reviews.86
Funkbrat Monthly Issue 1Superfunk 2004-10-15 67
Funkbrat Monthly Issue 2Superfunk 2004-11-30 60
Funky Chunky Monkeyxf  101
Funky Chunky Monkey² Demoxf1997-01-13No reviews.66
FunlandSlinky Games2004-03-25 67
FuseSteel_Dragoon2000 2002-07-06 69
Fusion DemoCastlevania 2001-03-17 77
Futureware Mag #5fejjy  No reviews.77
Gadget Fever DemoSin Reaped1995-11-22 78
Galactic Adventure 1 & 2RinGames 2004-04-12No reviews.103
GamaSteel_Dragoon2000 2002-07-10 73