Name Author Released Rating DLs 
Project HavocMark Wilson  73
Puzzle Time!Blade   78
Pokémon Zap Beta 1Diamond 1999-04-23 98
Laser TagDaarke  74
Lazer FighterVortex774  78
Captain CoolKosherPig1997-05-27 81
Cat SplatEurakarte 1999-06-07 86
Cheezy Short GameWervyn   82
Civil War 2040someone13 2000-03-30 86
Code White DemoQzarko  67
Collect the Gems Demoascii   68
Cop ChasePatrick Santos  72
Crazinessnessaja_cat18   70
Craziness 2nessaja_cat18   66
Dawn of AdventureLuigi Radar 2001-02-13 79
Day When the Monsters Invaded, TheDaniel Cole1999-06-06 75
#Deadmoose: The Roadkill Chroniclesapage43 2000-08-22 102
Dorkage Demozorkboy   65
Dragon Breath Ch.1 DemoDarkRaichu & Peanut7b8  73
Dude WarsWilliam Boxhall  70
Journey to MarsZzCrook   84
Julius Caesar????  73
Kamen's TaleDiamond 1999-07-05 76
KarkinEaston Blue 2001-05-28 78
King Rat 3yenrab1996-03-23 4
KyroAlexman21998-05-27 82
Isle of DragonsSteven Richmond  71
Gate of SoulsKavan Phalen1999-04-16 77
Gemini's MZX JunkGemini 2000-12-31 84
GopherJoe Lappin1997-02-25 84
GuzsosMorgzx1999-08-22 72
Hiklo DemoMorgzx  75
Hunt the Pussy 3DKosherPig1998-04-12 103
Quest of the Magical Lightning Blade OdysseyLEDR TWITSHED   66
USUKsuxiT   71
Elements DemoDregs177  77
Empire Part I: DiscoveryTHKirk & Daniel Simpson1997-12-13 88
Exeter RunMike   77
Experiment 88163????  78
fejjnessfejjy   89
Final Quest ILou Mancilla  79
Final Quest IILou Mancilla  81
Flameblade DemoPermanente  71
Flik!Creator1996-01-27 81
Freddy Democheezit200   90
Mace InvadersBrp13  92
Magik: The Legendgokachu   68
Magix Quest DemoLc3   90
Matrix????  69
MegaZeux 3.0 Tragedy Chapter 1Patrick Santos  98