Name Author Released Rating DLs 
MZX FighterEddy O'Malley  71
Reign of TerrorEddy O' Malley  70
Punky & Joe 2: The Caverns of DarknessEddy O' Malley1998-02-22 92
Punky & JoeEddy O' Malley1997-07-30 82
Second Search, TheEaston Blue 2002-01-02No reviews.83
LOLzEaston Blue 2002-12-08 67
Search, TheEaston Blue 2001-11-04 94
Final Search DemoEaston Blue 2001-12-22No reviews.83
KarkinEaston Blue 2001-05-28 78
Link's Chaotic Adventure (ver. Preview)E. CyberBRO1996-02-03No reviews.40
Mana LustE. CyberBRO  87
Lord of AtlantisE. CyberBRO  83
X-Wing DemoE. CyberBRO1996-05-28 75
F-Gang DemoDynamic Games No reviews.86
Yoshi's Adventure Part 2Dustin Hubbard No reviews.41
Ryan DemoDuhreetoh 1998-02-22 79
Zane: Professional Idiot DemoDuhreetoh 1999-02-21 94
Weirdness Chapter 1 SEDuhreetoh 1999-05-08 365
Booshkies Demo (Reboot)Duhreetoh 1999-05-06 186
Booshkies Demo (Original) (ver. 2)Duhreetoh 1998-02-16 209
Beat: A Froggy Game (Project Dump)Duhreetoh 1998-06-12 103
Aura MZXDr_Dos 2005-09-27 276
Elements DemoDregs177  77
Secret Untold, TheDragtaur / MetaMagus1997-03-17No reviews.34
Danny Land 2: Revenge of the RobotsDragon1245  78
Danny LandDragon1245  72
Dark CornerDraconic Creations1998-08-16 232
Pandemonium Buster (ver. 1.1)Dr Lancer-X/Maxim2021-04-22 230
Labyrinth: I/O (ver. 1.02)Dr Lancer-X 2021-04-08 183
MAGIC*GUNNER Moestar-chanDr Lancer-X 2021-03-31No reviews.77
I Dwell in Possibility (ver. 2.01)Dr Lancer-X 2016-05-08 187
augh! (ver. 1.1)Dr Lancer-X 2013-12-08 250
red (ver. 1.06)Dr Lancer-X 2013-08-26 1084
Eternal Eclipse Taoyarin (ver. 1.02)Dr Lancer-X 2008-01-28 703
&Dr Lancer-X 2011-12-06 2170
Reconquista+EscalationDr Lancer-X 2009-06-28 211
Celestial AltarDr Lancer-X 2010-01-03 430
Ultima IV: Quest of the AvatarDr Lancer-X 2010-08-07No reviews.286
Lancer's Crappy Puzzle ThingDr Lancer-X 2006-02-02 115
Avatar of Darkness DemoDr Lancer-X 2002-02-19No reviews.96
Halberd of AzaltaDr Lancer-X 2001-11-10No reviews.102
EXO RPGDr Lancer-X 2003-06-16 83
Castle Attack BetaDr Lancer-X 2002-05-04No reviews.83
Cans 5Dr Lancer-X 2003-12-13 90
ThingsDr Lancer-X 2005-06-07 82
PandoraDr Lancer-X 2002-09-21 109
Bat 'n' Ball Pong CloneDr Lancer-X 2001-12-03 114
Fartman!Dosnerd90 2004-01-28 83
Dungeonsdopefish7590 2006-08-28 78
ThukerDood882795  71