Name Author Released Rating DLs 
Legend of Zelda: The Inquest (Demo)T-Bone 2010-08-09No reviews.109
MegaZeux Superstar IIVeloso 2005-12-01 109
PandoraDr Lancer-X 2002-09-21 109
J.G. the MagicianBaby Bonnie Hood 2015-02-09 108
Legend of Omega 3 (Project Dump)ZzCrook 2003-01-27No reviews.108
Pirates Versus NinjasVarious People2005-09-18 108
Sivion Demo IIMonthigos   107
CastlevaniaHoof 2006-11-29 107
Zeux VI: Mountain of Zeuxcommodorejohn 2004-04-12No reviews.107
Sonic Jam (ver. 0.8)Zdrmonster1 2021-11-30 106
Legend of Omega 2 (ver. 2.0)ZzCrook   105
J.G.'s Mini RPG ThingyBaby Bonnie Hood 2012-02-24 105
Dr. Wong's House of Erotica (ver. 1.1)Minimuffin 2012-02-06 105
Random Maze GameKKairos 2006-07-26 105
Super Mario Miniatures DemoT-Bone 2006-06-20 105
Can't 4Maxim 2000-10-11 104
9 Lives Demoinmate2993 1997-04-03 104
ZeuxBox (ver. November 2007)kom and others2007-11-27 103
Romantic Game, Acommodorejohn  No reviews.103
Mathemagicsinmate2993 2001-08-20 103
Galactic Adventure 1 & 2RinGames 2004-04-12No reviews.103
Hunt the Pussy 3DKosherPig1998-04-12 103
Virus, TheSoviet Software  103
Beat: A Froggy Game (Project Dump)Duhreetoh 1998-06-12 103
BarbariansJairska1996-09-04 103
DominationThDPro 2011-08-20No reviews.102
2 PlayerTheJMan/ThDPro2011-08-10No reviews.102
Halberd of AzaltaDr Lancer-X 2001-11-10No reviews.102
#mzxmzx (ver. 1.5)suxiT 2000-12-25 102
Master of MaliceNytar 2002-09-15 102
Nick BrickJubal Scharold  102
#Deadmoose: The Roadkill Chroniclesapage43 2000-08-22 102
Beyond Reality: The Future ProjectSpellWeavre 1997-03-25 102
Aerial DemoAction Squareware1997-04-01 102
Adventures of YoshiJonah Etter1999-06-13 102
MegaMan: GearsAtmo   101
Funky Chunky Monkeyxf  101
Legend of the Twelve Swords, The (ver. Demo 2)joshdw1 2000-02-05 101
CarnageScott Barnes1998-01-03 100
Pitiful Pokémoninmate2993 1999-05-01 100
Ruin Diver 2KKairos 2004-12-05 100
Nick Brick IIJubal Scharold1999-07-22 100
zzo38 Fun Packzzo38   99
Forest of ElvesSpellWeavre 1995-11-22 99
Kill 'Em All!Nedemai 2005-12-07 99
MegaZeux 3.0 Tragedy Chapter 2 (ver. 1.03)Patrick Santos1999-12-11 99
Magic RippleDavid E. Li No reviews.99
Billy's RPGBilly of America1998-06-00 99
BearsSliver2000-03-04 99
Punisher War Journal (ver. Fix)PC Pirate  98