Name Author Released Rating DLs 
Bocco Chronicles Chapter 2 Demo (ver. 0.2)Bocco 2000-08-23No reviews.91
Fred the Freak GaidenRoto 1998-08-20No reviews.91
Fred the Freak 2Roto 1997-06-18 91
5 Days Demo????2002-02-02 91
Whatnot (Demo)Kom 2007-10-09 90
DifpazaBiGBuBBa  No reviews.90
MegaZeux CHIP-8 EmulatorMr_Alert 2005-11-24No reviews.90
Find the Toilet Adventurecommodorejohn 2005-11-09 90
Ultra Red: Catching Red (ver. 1.1)gokachu 2003-12-27 90
Flash - A Kitty Cat AdventureFlashBlast   90
Cans 5Dr Lancer-X 2003-12-13 90
Afghanistan BombingThunderdog 2002-04-03 90
Goldenhog's Fucking Tripbad banana 2000-01-10 90
KM's Univers! 2KMSpill1997-02-01No reviews.90
Escape from TaurusCastlevania   90
MegaZeux Magazine #3djtiesto 1996-08-18 90
Bob's AdventureChristopher Cullen  90
TronJakub Plachy No reviews.90
TactixCastlevania  No reviews.90
RPG-RPG 2Eurakarte   90
Magix Quest DemoLc3   90
Freddy Democheezit200   90
Quest for the Magical PotatoWaffleGod2000-03-03 90
Illusions: Chronicles Book 1Scott Barnes  90
Boing!RoSS 2003-01-29 90
Atmosphere (ver. 2.01)Maxim 2021-06-22No reviews.89
Caverns of Zeux: the BoardgameVerasev 2020-03-30No reviews.89
Doomsday Dream Legend: The Zordanian Chronicles (Remake) (project dump)DDCecil 2012-12-21No reviews.89
Big Tree, Thecommodorejohn  No reviews.89
Zeuxlings (Demo)Sai'ke   89
Duky Inc Anniversary Collectiondjtiesto / Nash / Maxim / Hapoppo2007-02-04No reviews.89
CAMEOEstixo1 2006-09-13 89
IdiopolisJester / Jauhis2004-01-03No reviews.89
PortalsAliasiSudonomo   89
SiphrianKayin/RoSS/Koji2001-07-21 89
ExodusRalse1997-07-29 89
Neo Blaster XSeventh Shade   89
Devil TowerNytar 2002-12-20No reviews.89
CarracerLogiCow 2002-10-27 89
fejjnessfejjy   89
Up the Holeflucknugget   89
MZX Target Practice (ver. Complete)-MegaZzZeux- 2002-07-11 88
Delphi X1Giel 2009-09-06 88
Sudoku Simulatornooodl 2009-06-03No reviews.88
Abrogated MZX Maze LandCountRedBeard 2008-04-01 88
Nightmare MZX (ver. 1.2 SC)Kewlio 2002-07-27No reviews.88
Ascii Adventures Part OneGoater Werniee2003-12-28 88
Final Fantasy: Dynasty Prelude (Public Demo)Akwende   88
Engine Demo (ver. 2.1)djtiesto 1997-06-19 88
Random Maze IINytar 2005-10-01 88