Delphi X1
Release Date
Requires MegaZeux 2.82 or newer.
Delphi X1
No summary available.
Maxim  said:
Posted date unknown
When you start this game, you're greeted by an intro cinema ripped from one of Gemini's Megazeux worlds. That pretty much sets the tone. Your player starts the game as a black tile (c00) and blends in with most of the background. I guess Giel forgot to change it back to cyan after the intro cinema.

You get a sword that works when you hold space, and a gun that works when you press space+arrows. Yeah, so if you fire your gun you're also swinging around this silly sword every time. Not a very good sword engine either. The sword damages most enemies, but I think I killed a few with the gun. Maybe Giel just forgot to lockplayer shoot.

The game itself is awful. Mostly-orthogonal boards full of identical robot enemy hordes assault the player throughout. You get 25 lives to start with, but that might not be enough. Provided you can even get past the bugged passages in the first area.

Yeah, there's board linkage bugs all over. I had to play from the editor to even get close to completing it. Oh yeah, the final boss. That fight takes place in a field of lava where you change it to ice temporarily by pressing "i". Unfortunately the lava still takes 100 health away, so if you land on a tile even if you press "i" it won't put ice beneath the player. It's nearly impossible to win, especially with all the projectiles and robots pushing you around.

Graphics are hideous for the most part. Volcano looks a little better, but doesn't make up for the rest of it.

Sound and music seem to be picked at random. There's no sense to it, other than maybe it's inspired by Mega Man X.

Awful, bugged, incomplete, ripped content... and it doesn't even have the same kind of appealing idiocy as CR2-6.
Lachesis  said:
Last modified 2014-01-31 20:32:50
Here are some fun facts about Delphi X1 by Giel!

* Eye searing colors
* Badly looped Mega Man music
* Several restroom boards. The women's restroom is pink, of course, because that's The Girl Color. Ew, girls, it's like they aren't even humans!
* "To use your D-sabre, press space."
* Enemies that don't attack the player until interacted with.
* Boss strategy that involves making the player unable to move for no discernable reason while the boss spouts dialogue.
* Backgrounds the player blends into. Giel obviously changed the player's color but didn't bother to test the game whatsoever.
* "HAHAHAHAHA LAZER TIME. Thankyou technology."
* Mines that blend into the floor.
* Missile and explosion spam
* Broken teleport player commands that make the game unwinnable--be prepared to restart from the editor.
* Broken boss routines that make the game unwinnable.
* Requires the player to move through lava to get an item.
* Huge boss hitpoint polls.
* Final boss fight that involves changing lava to ice for short intervals. You have to fight on the ice.
* Plagiarized content.

Try actually playing your games before releasing them, next time! Here's a hint: if you don't want to play them, then probably neither does anybody else! Some of the graphics were well drawn, but I'm guessing that was the original author's work.
Giel  said:
Last modified 2012-01-08 15:10:10
What the crap was I thinking when I made this!? I wasn't on drugs, but STILL...

This game is just a really edited version of the crappy DoZ game Manastorm. SO AVOID IT.