Kinok's Legacy Demo
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Posted date unknown
A mercifully short demo with a screen-sized, dense invisible wall maze, one enemy, and graphics that would make a ZZT game blush. You gain nothing from completing the invisible wall maze. It's just there, wasting my time, in the way! It says 'chick', how'd it know I'm a girl. I CALL FOUL, GAME
There's an intermediate board between the invisible maze and the area with the enemy that mentions that a puzzle was removed for the demo (or more likely, it wasn't ever made in the first place...!), which is probably for the best. The enemy itself is a "5000 year old mummy" that you have to touch to destroy. You don't have any weapons, you have to touch it. And it's laying a ton of bombs. You'll die like 3 or 5 times before you can actually beat it, usually... why aren't the bombs destroying the mummy, if all it takes is a touch? Sheesh, logic in an MZX game
There's an intermediate board between the invisible maze and the area with the enemy that mentions that a puzzle was removed for the demo (or more likely, it wasn't ever made in the first place...!), which is probably for the best. The enemy itself is a "5000 year old mummy" that you have to touch to destroy. You don't have any weapons, you have to touch it. And it's laying a ton of bombs. You'll die like 3 or 5 times before you can actually beat it, usually... why aren't the bombs destroying the mummy, if all it takes is a touch? Sheesh, logic in an MZX game