Pokémon Zap Beta 1
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Posted date unknown
Ohhhhh boy
Pokemon Zap is a ... . .. thing ...that wasn't hardly play tested enough (apparent by the "Beta" in its title... was there another Beta, is that why it says '1'?). Interesting inconsistencies lie in the switching between pretty bad looking custom message boxes and the message row, the combat is pretty awful, the special effects are Lazerwalls and CHANGE Lazerwall Explosion, passages aren't properly linked in at least one case (causing the player to attempt to go to a different passage and getting stuck in a previous room with the viewport broken)... at least Legend of Zelda: The Incest got the GRAPHICS right, nothing in this looks like what it's even supposed to.
Where's the RPG engine? Pikachu, use Thunder Shock! Wait, you can't, this isn't pokemon, it's Generic MZX ... something. The enemies (mostly Eevees and Eevee evolutions, though Vaporeon doesn't seem to take any more damage from whatever the hell Pikachu is shooting) move too fast for the lazerwall/explosion beam to be of any use, with its terrible controls.
The music is kinda bad, but in a funny way. I was laughing the entire game at it (and everything else). This is one of those bad games that's still pretty enjoyable to play through, and it's definitely worth a play. There's not very much of it though, or I might have given it 2 stars.
Pokemon Zap is a ... . .. thing ...that wasn't hardly play tested enough (apparent by the "Beta" in its title... was there another Beta, is that why it says '1'?). Interesting inconsistencies lie in the switching between pretty bad looking custom message boxes and the message row, the combat is pretty awful, the special effects are Lazerwalls and CHANGE Lazerwall Explosion, passages aren't properly linked in at least one case (causing the player to attempt to go to a different passage and getting stuck in a previous room with the viewport broken)... at least Legend of Zelda: The Incest got the GRAPHICS right, nothing in this looks like what it's even supposed to.
Where's the RPG engine? Pikachu, use Thunder Shock! Wait, you can't, this isn't pokemon, it's Generic MZX ... something. The enemies (mostly Eevees and Eevee evolutions, though Vaporeon doesn't seem to take any more damage from whatever the hell Pikachu is shooting) move too fast for the lazerwall/explosion beam to be of any use, with its terrible controls.
The music is kinda bad, but in a funny way. I was laughing the entire game at it (and everything else). This is one of those bad games that's still pretty enjoyable to play through, and it's definitely worth a play. There's not very much of it though, or I might have given it 2 stars.