MegaZeux 2.91i + Caverns of Zeux
A small release with a bunch of fixes for bugs introduced mostly within the past few versions. Other highlights: joysticks should be hot pluggable now and Alt shortcuts now also work with the command key in Mac builds.
Lachesis - Developer, maintainer
Dr. Lancer-X - Developer (layer rendering)
asiekierka - Developer (3DS port)
Terryn - Help file, testing
Spectere - Darwin binaries, MSVC/Xcode
Insidious - Ubuntu binaries
Lachesis - Developer, maintainer
Dr. Lancer-X - Developer (layer rendering)
asiekierka - Developer (3DS port)
Terryn - Help file, testing
Spectere - Darwin binaries, MSVC/Xcode
Insidious - Ubuntu binaries