Freaky MegaZeux
bad banana 
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Requires MegaZeux 2.02 to 2.51 or newer.
Freaky MegaZeux
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CJA  said:
Posted date unknown
This is a lot of fun, in my opinion more fun than its sequel. It is, indeed, very freaky. But this game doesn't require skill, and the only real challenge is I think at the end. I won't spoil it for you, so play this truly freaky game.
vivois  said:
Last modified 2012-09-01 06:02:31
I'm so glad to finally go back and experience freaky zzt the way the inventor imagineered it. I mean I was having trouble playing the music files back in hte day, and speed formats and the like.. But you will be astounded, and wowed.. The rooms you go into are soo much fun. You just want to walk in them... they make you soooo happy.

Make way for freaky megazeux, the zzt verison's spiritual successor. But be careful, you might be toooo happy after plaing it... Make sure you wear a neutral hat to calm yourself down cuz WOW, you're gonna need it.
ThDPro  said:
Last modified 2012-09-01 20:47:08
Tired soundtrack, zero gameplay, no story, default everything... These things work for ZZT, when that line gets crossed and ZZT culture bleeds into mzx, you get this: a floater-in-the-toilet of a "game." There is nothing to offer here. There is nothing rewarding to this game. This game embodies 1 star and everything that goes with it, including music we've all heard, hideous graphics, and all caps nonsense spewing in a default textbox.

Don't play this.