MegaZeux Jukebox
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Last modified 2012-04-22 23:48:30
...what the hell? I wasn't really expecting this to be anything good, just some thing that let you play your own .MODs or pick from a pre-determined list (this does seem to be very much of the latter)... but I sure as hell wasn't expecting to be exposed to tripped out seizure-inducing madness as soon as I opened the world. There's also two minigames included here, foosball and some lame "race to the other end of the board" thing, as well as some talkie bit called "The Show" with Chuck Flemwas and a bunch of other MegaZeux characters. This... might just be the most bizarre MZX newbie offering I've ever laid eyes on. It's definitely the weirdest thing in the engines category, that's for damn sure.