Nocturne Demo
Anthony Aybar 
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Requires MegaZeux 2.62 to 2.62b or newer.
Nocturne Demo
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Lachesis  said:
Posted date unknown
This game is irritating. There isn't one aspect that's particularly offensive about it by itself but altogether, there are so many irritating things in this game that it's not worth bothering.

1) Limited ammo. Limited ammo is a pretty good thing, and in a zombie game, it'd help a lot. However, you randomly find ammo in places that it doesn't make much sense in (never heard of INC or GIVE I guess) and don't put it in places it'd help (the basement)

2) The palette. The default palette completely ruins the mood! Now it's not a zombie game, it's a generic MZX Shoot Tha Bad Ones game

3) The text boxes. I can understand using the built-in text boxes as a placeholder, but they're completely tedious, especially when every line of dialogue gets its own box. NICE APOSTROPHES, DOOFUS, use a spell-checker next time!

4) The zombies. They just keep moving seek, and it's impossible to tell when they've hit you until you're DEAD

5) The basement. The lighting engine seems fine at first until the board starts to scroll, and then it starts to mess up pretty badly. Conveniently placed zombies to kill you in 1-char-wide pathways when you inevitably run out of ammo by this point.

Don't play it!

There are other game's more worth you're time