MZX Racing
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How many MZX racing game are out there with this kind of quality fun? A must download, as long as you don't mind fairly simplistic graphics, running random people down to blood splurts, an imposible bonus course, and slightly buggy CPU racers.
Posted date unknown
Hey i was pretty impressed with this games controls. Must Megazeux racing games do not handle well. This one was great and not only that, I had fun playing it.
Last modified 2014-01-04 20:32:45
The player's car is basically just a robot doing walk DIR when you press one of the four arrow keys, half of the things you hit don't kill you, the other half of the things you hit are impossible to avoid most of the time, the AI is inconsistent--unbeatable at best but incredibly stupid at worst--and finally, you have to go out of your way to kill every single person walking around on the track using your uncontrollable car if you want to continue to the next level.
It's somewhat of a cute distraction, but unfortunately, it's also incredibly unfun. If you want a good racing game in MZX, I suggest you check out DUI 20XX by Risu2112 and Otto Germain from the Summer 2012 DsDoZ (also available on DMZX).
It's somewhat of a cute distraction, but unfortunately, it's also incredibly unfun. If you want a good racing game in MZX, I suggest you check out DUI 20XX by Risu2112 and Otto Germain from the Summer 2012 DsDoZ (also available on DMZX).