Release Date
Requires MegaZeux 2.80 or newer.
No summary available.
Maxim  said:
Last modified 2012-10-15 14:29:56
TY is a multiplayer deathmatch arena type of game. There's a lot of creative ideas in here, but it's.. pretty badly flawed. You have two players crowded around the keyboard using three sets of cursor controls right next to each other, and on all but one level your basic weapon is a bomb attack. Which will overwrite solid tiles, except for P2... so there's no chance of overwriting P2 and winning with a single bomb, haha.

When you load the game, you're greeted with a warning that you'll have to switch levels in the editor. This is because there's no level transitions or level selector. When a player dies, the game is over. You have to exit and start another level from the Megazeux editor.

Lotta problems with the second player. Its movement and actions are sometimes stopped by inadequate keypress polling. Also it can't scroll the board. A message in the game's "intro" says that player 1 just has to "play nice" and keep the second player in view. In a competitive game. Also the second player doesn't have a health indicator of any kind (you can press enter to see P1's health), and doesn't end the game if it dies.

There's a few cool weapons, but some of them are also bugged. As far as I can tell, the mine weapon doesn't work at all. Especially neat is how players 1 and 2 have different weapons that only they can use. Doesn't make up for the problems though. Also, cramped as the movement/bombing keys are, these make you remember even *more* keys to hit! Also, again, there's no indicators for which weapons you have, so you have to remember everything you grab.

There's no music, and the graphics are just adequate. No title screen, no level selector except the Megazeux editor. No level transitions. It was a cool concept, but there's just too many flaws, many of which were noted by the author.


In this level, Player 1 cannot actually win.

I could have fixed it, yeah, but I didn't!