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#redirect [[User:ThDPro]]
|nick = ThDPro
|image =
|fullname = B. Alex Pope
|location = Seattle, WA
|birthday = June 30th 1990
|jointime = December 3rd, 2006
|interests = Music, Audio Production
|mzxgames = Catnip, Twip, Twip 2, Detroit: Crack City, ThdPro's Random Cave Generator
|companies = Thoughdoo Productions
|ircname = Thud, ThDPro
|email =
|preferredim =
|imname =
== Overview ==
ThdPro, (The-D-Pro) (Thoughdoo Productions) is an on-again-off-again MZXer who started using Megazeux at the suggestion of his brother in 2006 after being estranged from the program for nearly 10 years. He has made several games, few of which have caught any interest from the DMZX community, has participated in two DOZs, and while not with the gusto of prior years, continues to create concepts with Megazeux currently. Although once an adamant poster of sometimes somewhat questionable material in DMZX in earlier years(2006-2008), his activity in the community has been limited to the IRC channel #mzx as of late. While not MZXing, which is currently most of the time, he is also making maps in Duke Nukem 3d and is continuing Audio Engineering courses along with his music.
== Involvement with Community ==
ThDPro joined DMZX in  late 2006 after discovering that all of his downloads for MZX were coming from DMZX. His first post was a game called Catnip, which for all of the breakthroughs that it yielded for himself, was actually quite simplistic in style and gameplay and was not a notable release in any way. While continuing to post sparingly, he released a short inventory game called "Twip," which, for all of it's shortcomings in graphics, gameplay, and variety, was received quite well in the community and was given a 4 star rating.
Although ThDPro has great affection for the DMZX and Megazeux community, his involvement has yielded few contributions to the overall wellness to the community. In fact, in 2007 while he was still a Freshman in High School , ThDPro was widely disliked for not contributing anything or simply angering other prominent community members needlessly and driving topics away from subject. After several months of posting, he created a dummy account to post middle fingers repeatedly all over the sight. Because of this, ThDPro was banned within all rights of the administrators and moderators. Originally a perma-ban, ThDPro was reinstated under parole a month later.
A few months went by after this and ThDPro's posting slowed gradually to a halt in mid 2007. However, he continued working on an MZX epic titled "Detroit: Crack City" along with his brother.
In 2007, while in Rhode Island with nothing else to do, he began posting again and working on a new MZX game that was never released entitled "Banana Man."
After beginning light posting again in 2008, ThDPro released the final edition of "Detroit: Crack City", a game that he had spent almost 2 years on. The release however was never really paid any attention to and the thread bearing the download quickly died and with it, his posting.
Only in late 2009 did ThDPro consistently begin posting again, but still lightly. Leading up to the the 2010 Winter DOZ, ThDPro began MZXing to prepare for his planned participation in his first DOZ. Under the team name "The Moanatoans" (Aborigine: Warriors of the Ocean), he and his brother competed coming in 8th overall with a score of 645/1200. His contributions to the community died again for the most part after the contest. This has lasted through the latest DOZ, in which he placed 3rd with a score of 719/1600.
== Games ==
'''Catnip: The Haze'''
ThDPro's first game. Gameplay only included movement-- no weapons. It features a cat whose character was never named and a story surrounding getting high on Catnip to induce a Haze so that he could find his way to leaving his dead-end town. This leads to a series of misadventures that eventually leads to the main character fornicating with a farmers daughter who let's the Main charter work for him as a farm hand to earn money because of this. While working for the farmer, the catnip he is cultivating induces a haze that when he comes to, apparently made the main character a prophet of a new religion. After this, the cat goes to a small walled in city that is oppressed into working under an evil leader, where he is caught and must eat vomit to escape from prison. after this he killed in a fall while trying to avoid an explosion that he caused.
'''TWIP: The Homeschooler'''
Twip was a game the ThDPro made in less than 2 days. It features a homeschooler who tries to escape the oppressive lifestyle of a parent laden life. It's gameplay is centered around an inventory that allows you to interact two items.
'''Detroit: Crack City'''
Once completed (probably never), see the main article.
'''Twip 2: Real School'''
Although never officially released to date, Twip 2 is near complete and a Demo was released as of November 2009. The game this time, while still an inventory based gameplay idea, is set in an elementary school where there is a school-wide presidential election that Twip unwittingly becomes part of both sides in and eventually just tries to right the wrongs that he caused along the way.
'''Forthcoming Games'''
-The Desperate Dig
Nearly completed over a year ago featuring a Original Music and Sound effects (a first for ThDPro) and expansive world and story. Expected release with Twip 2.
'''DOZ Entries'''
TurnCoat (Winter 2010)
The story of an alien spy on earth that turns his back on his entire race to stop them from destroying the earth because he likes his dog. Features 3 weapons that all work pretty well, perhaps because ThDPro didn't design them.
All That Violence (Winter 2011)
The story of a man whose blood-o-meter doesn't allow him to be away from violence for any length of time. Features several mouse based weapons that don't quite work correctly... or at all really.
Introspect (Summer 2011)
Pending Results.

Latest revision as of 02:14, 22 January 2013

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