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{{wrongtitle| 1 = BAND!}}
mzx is for faggots
==About the series==
BAND! games are all games that make fun of or parody a specific group or person.  Each one has a strange naming convention; ''BAND!'' had four titles, ''BAND! 2'' had three, and ''BAND! 3'' was actually posted and released under the name "''BAND! 4''."
{{Game| title = BAND!
|image = band1.png
|creator = CJA, ShloobeR, micah
|company = POOP ROAD >:( + Frozen Cow Industries
|released = April 2, 2006
|genre = Comedy/Sidescroller
Early in 2006, there was a big fiasco over [[Guy]] copying MZXing techniques used by [[CJA]].  It caused quite an uproar... of laughter.  BAND! was the finishing blow.  CJA's voice and [[ShloobeR]]'s animation savvy made the cinemas hilarious.  The gameplay, however, was rather subpar.
===Plot synopsis===
You play as [[micah]], fed up with Guy.  You decide to go kill him.  But first, you need to get by his clones.
#BAND!  ''(Working title; what it was referred to during its creation)''
*CJA - Gameplay, Ending cinemas, Voiceacting for Guy
*ShloobeR - Title screen, Intro cinema, Original remix of ''Europe - The Countdown''
*micah - Voiceacting for micah
{{Game| title = BAND! 2
|image = band2.png
|creator = CJA + Guy
|company = POOP ROAD >:(
|released = April 2, 2006
|genre = Comedy/Action
==BAND! 2==
One day in [[Mzx_(channel)|#mzx]], [[Lancer-X]] and CJA got into a momfight.  That is, they continually insulted each other's mothers.  This led to CJA and Guy teaming up to fight back in the most effective medium available to them--MegaZeux! 
The game was released on Mother's Day.
===Plot synopsis===
You play as Lancer-X, trying to help your morbidly obese mother collect ingredients for Mother's Day.  She needs a massive number of eggs and cartons of milk-- as well as "three fresh young Americans!"  Lancer-X rides to America with a saber and begins the collection.
#eggs adventure ''(Working title)''
*Guy - Majority of gameplay and cinemas
*CJA - Voiceacting
{{Game| title = BAND! 3
|image = band3.png
|creator = CJA + Guy
|company = POOP ROAD >:(
|released = June 14, 2006
|genre = Comedy/Sidescroller
==BAND! 3==
CJA and Guy view [[Commander Pancake]] as a nuisance.  Commander Pancake would act unintelligent for the sole purpose of annoying people, use "newbie talk", and utilize dumb-looking emoticons.  CJA and Guy thought this was enough, so they created this game.
===Plot synopsis===
You play as CJA.  CJA tries to chase Pancake, but he gets away; so he hops into a sedan and takes off on the highway.  However, he crashes several times, and must search the area for repair kits.
#Band! 4
*CJA - SMZX mode graphics, Level design, some music
*Guy - Level design, Car driving engine
[[Category:POOP ROAD games]]

Revision as of 09:54, 11 December 2006

mzx is for faggots