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{{Group| name = Autumn Dreams
mzx is for faggots
|formed = 1997
|disbanded = 1999
|current = N/A
|former = [[Legendd]]<br>[[emmzee]]<br>[[inmate2993]]<br>[[yenrab]]<br>[[myth]]<br>[[Monthigos]]<br>[[Veloso]]<br>[[Ibrahim]]<br>[[ASTeRicK]]<br>[[Jolyon Bloomfield]]<br>[[Duhreetoh]]<br>[[Waka]]<br>[[fejj]]<br>[[cheezit]]<br>[[JHayfield]]
Autumn Dreams was at first a renaming of [[Legend Games]] done for copyright reasons; it then rapidly exploded into arguably MegaZeux's best-known group. inmate dissolved the group in 1999 to form [[Arctic Fusion]]; Monthigos attempted to reform Autumn Dreams several times (most notably in 2001) but with no real results.
==Released Games==
*[[Booshkies|Booshkies (Demo 3)]] by Duhreetoh
*[[Cans|Cans III]] by inmate2993
*[[CharCon]] by Jolyon Bloomfield
*[[Darkness|Darkness II]] by emmzee/Ibrahim
*[[zultimate:Death|Death]] by emmzee (ZZT)
*[[Honor Quest|Honor Quest II: Chapter One]] by emmzee
*[[Honor Quest|Honor Quest: Special Edition]] by emmzee/myth
*[[Darkness|Mini Darkness]] by emmzee
*[[Sivion MZX|Sivion MZX (Demo)]] by Monthigos
*[[Spirit Revenge]] by yenrab
*[[Weirdness|Weirdness: Special Edition]] by Duhreetoh
*[[Zane: Professional Idiot|Zane: Professional Idiot (Demo)]] by Duhreetoh
*[[Zog the Hunter II|Zog the Hunter II (Demo)]] by Legendd
[[Category:Programming Groups]]

Revision as of 09:39, 11 December 2006

mzx is for faggots