Super Mario for MegaZeux

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Super Mario for MegaZeux (SM4MZX) was originally produced by T-Bone6 in 1999 as an attempt to convert the NES version of the game into the MegaZeux platform.

The game was hardly playable in its early stages due to its sluggish game play. Ever since the introduction of the sprite drawing command in the MegaZeux program, the game's functionally has improved greatly and the amount of enemies have increased to over 40.

The game has been in production off and on since its start. The final version's supposed release date is set for 2008.

The Making of The Sprites

T-Bone6 achieved the appearance of 2-bit graphics not by using software to convert 2-bit sprites. He tediously drew each sprite's animation pixel by pixel. This is what gave SM4MZX its beautiful appearance over other MZX games that have attempted 2-bit graphic conversions. The conversions of SNES sprites to MegaZeux sprites would not be possible without the alteration of the original sprite's image size to suit the scale of MegaZeux's char table system. The SNES to MZX graphics is T-Bone's proudest achievement, in terms of MZX game design.

The sprites in this game are sourced from: SMB1, SMB2, SMB3, SMW, SPP (Super Princess Peach), Kirby and SMRPG. There are a few unique sprites that T-Bone6 has made specially for this game.

Notes: Super Mario for MegaZeux does not use SMZX.

Super Mario for MegaZeux
Author T-Bone6
Company T-Bone6 Productions
Release Date 2008
Genre Side-Scrolling
Download No link available.