Akwende was a very popular mzx'er back at the turn of the century (which feels funny being able to say), he was very good at making graphics in mzx and was one of the first to make great graphics with madbrain's super mzx hack.
in 99 he founded a mzx programming group called Square of Megazeux that he worked the project that he would become infamous for: Final Fantasy : Dynasty Prelude
FF:DP was to be a super graphical full length RPG for mzx and what was ever completed did look very good. But FF:DP was abbandoned shortly after SOM's demise due to creative differences and Akwende's overpowering God complex.
Akwende later decided to make a name for himself by making an mzx release he titled after himself, MZXAkwende.
Shortly after he left the community half way through development of mzxAkwende 2.0 (gold edition) due to difficulty getting along with others.