Labrynth of Zeux

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Labrynth of Zeux
Author Gregory Janson
Company Software Visions
Release Date 1993
Genre Action/Puzzle
Download No link available.

Labrynth of Zeux is a DOS game released in 1993 by Gregory Janson under Software Visions. It is the first game in the Zeux series and the spiritual predecessor to MegaZeux.

Like MZX itself, Labrynth of Zeux was originally released as shareware. The full version was released for free in 2003, five years after chapters three through five of the series became freeware.


The playable character, Vince M. Louis, is a famous theologist who has uncovered and studied every mystical and religious item ever mentioned in legend, except one - the magical Silver Staff of Zeux. Going on rumors and legends alone, Vince enters the mystical Labrynth of Zeux in search of the artifact.
