Basic Information
Trev-MUN is an MZXer who has been in the community for a very long time. For some portion of that time he was working on a game entitled Sir Kupon which dealt with a moogle which was 3x3 characters large. However, due to a combination of factors, not the least of which was the charset limitation (the human characters were to be 3x4) the project shut down.
One of Trev-MUN's more well-known creations has been the numerous custom CFC Cards for members of the community.
Non-MZX Pursuits
While he is a fairly active member of the MegaZeux community, he also plays Ragnarok Online and draws a webcomic, Ragnarok Wisdom, which is based on life in the game. He also makes the annual webcomic The Legend of Key-Fu, known for its random sense of humor. Trev-MUN is also working on a science-fiction universe called Ad Ultimum, and enjoys discussing philosophy/theology of religion.