Summer Dualstream Day of Zeux 2001 Judging Sheets:Terryn

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*Terryn's Score Sheet*
Dualstream Day of Zeux Summer 2001- "Rebirth" OR "Bloodthirsty Plants"

First word:

Major thanks to all who helped, esp. Omega for handling entries, ny parents for handling when Omega couldn't, Joshdw1 for the
FTP, Thundercloud and wizdom and Tixus for judging, and Diamond for almost everything else ^~^.

Okay, here's the scoring system:

Theme- 30 points -How well the game adhered to the given topic.
Gameplay- 25 points -How the game fares in mechanics, buglessness, and playability.
Plot- 20 points -How well-developed the storyline and characters of the game are.
Originality- 20 points -How unique the general aspects of a game are.
Graphics- 15 points -How aestheticly pleasing the game looks, and how well the visuals fit the game.
Music- 10 points -How well the music (if any) sounds, and how well the music fits the game.
Sound- 5 points -How well the sounds (if any) fit the general theme of the game.

Total possible- 125 points.

On to the scores:

Entry -77: "The Second Chance" (Rebirth)

Theme: 26/30
     -Adhered to the theme fairly well.

Gameplay: 17/25
     -Graphical inventory. Much of the game can be bypassed... I dunno why there's so much optional stuff. I think those
actions should have been mandatory.

Plot: 14/20
     -Kill your killer. Fin.

Originality: 16/20
     -Not too original. Kill your killer in the millionth MZX inventory game. The intro gives it some points however.

Graphics: 12/15

Music: 7/10
     -Pretty good.

Sound: 4/5

Final Notes:
     -I should've expected the ending, but oh well.

Total score: 86/125

Entry -57: "Phoenix Reborn" (Rebirth) *Best of Topic* ==>Best of Show<==

Theme: 28/30
     -Chakan, anyone? The player gets reborn (over and over again if you screw up quite a bit). It gets deeper than that

Gameplay: 12/25
     -Bugs are the biggest problem. The player is lost when he walks from a higher platform to a lower one, the game is
fractured, depth is sorta hard to ascertain, and I see no point in jumping on the enemies. Reminds me of The Last
Ninja all over again...

Plot: 18/20
     -The whole test-tube rebirth is fairly unique, and the whole bad childhood experience is psychologically sound, while a
touch trite. Very anime-ish plot.

Originality: 17/20
     -It's unique, alright; it would be good if its uniqueness was actually functional.

Graphics: 14/15
     -Ooh, the best part of this entry. The whole thing was gorgeous (except the lab OC). The font especially ruled.

Music: 8/10
     -Pretty good (and I'm guessing tracked esp. for this entry).

Sound: 2/5

Final Notes:
     -Bugs really hurt this entry. Too bad... it looked really promising.
     -I used the MZX patch neg57b.mzx.

Total Score: 99/125

Entry 027: "Impact" (Rebirth)

Theme: 25/30
     -The game fits the theme well enough.

Gameplay: 17/25
     -Oh, I wish I could give this entry more points, but it has a few play bugs and issues. For one, the unique RPG combat
system is a bit quirky. Sometimes it detects the other enem{y, ies} there, sometimes not. There is no Cancel button on
making choices. And, it's far too easy.

Plot: 17/20
     -Pretty good plot, elaborated a bit. Life is an illusion... a master plot develops.

Originality: 17/20
     -Pretty original; well-developed.

Graphics: 13/15
     -Great graphics, only bettered by #-57. Large, fully functional characters and good backgrounds, buildings, etc.

Music: 7/10
     -Good music overall.

Sound: 0/5
     -None whatsoever.

Final Notes:
     -That battle theme was the one that killed my kickass puzzle game in 98... AND I'M STILL ANGRY AT IT! AAAH$%&$H8I$^!
     -Was there any need to give out stats after the last battle?

Total Score: 96/125

Entry 242: "Local Nastiness" (Rebirth)

Theme: 25/30
     -The theme is fit.

Gameplay: 19/25
     -Go around the complex without being caught by the guards. Inventory, yet well-implemented.

Plot: 15/20
     -God orders you to destory Omnitech for animating the dead. Unique perspective, though not singularly complex.

Originality: 15/20
     -Original in that you end up using brains over brawns.

Graphics: 10/15
     -Good graphics. Goes with the mood.

Music: 7/10
     -The music is good and fits the atmosphere.

Sound: 4/5

Final Notes:
     -Heh, time's based on cycles :P
     -Lift. Hrmn.

Total Score: 96/125

Entry 311: "Are Tomatoes Good for Your Health?" (Bloodthirsty Plants) *BEST OF TOPIC*

Theme: 24/30

     -The game obviously was about bloodthirsty plants; however, this isn't exactly clear. The title could have elaborated
just a bit.

Gameplay: 22/25

     -The gameplay is the best part of this game; you protect the ascending plants from attacking you by blasting them with
your laser. However, this is much harder than it sounds. The player needs to be precise in his shots (esp. in high
levels) or else certain disaster strikes. The plants increase in variety each level, and each has its own quirk.
A special note: Level 3 in story mode presents extra challenges; havoc is wrecked upon the player :P All in all, this
entry was *gasp* fun for a bit, although fairly difficult. Play level 2 endless and see what I mean.

Plot: 13/20

     -The plot involves nuclear-warped vegetables taking over, and a hapless person gets attacked and decides to eliminate
the problem. That's as much as I pieced from it; its presentation was a bit weak, though. The plot wasn't especially

Originality: 16/20
     -The gameplay certainly helps this value. The plot is a bit trite, though; that's what held this value down.

Graphics: 8/15
     -The cinemas and other graphics were pretty basic. Nothing BAD, just nothing special.

Music: 6/10
     -It's fitting, but I've heard it all before.

Sound: 4/5
     -Pretty good. Rehashed sounds, but still effective.

Final Notes:
     -The gameplay gave this entry's score a solid kick in the butt... like the one I should give this team for thinking Dia
assigned the topic. :P (j/k) By the way, my best Story Mode score was 315, not all that great...
     -Play on speed 5. Run speed 4 for a greater challenge.
     -Dammit, if you explained the plot better, you would have won in my book! I'm... so upset :(

Total: 93/125

Entry 404: "The Planet of Bloodthirsty Plants" (Bloodthirsty Plants)

Theme: 21/30
     -The plot involving the theme seems thrown in as a side note. The game does feature bloodthirsty plants however.

Gameplay: 14/25
     -Having a strike team around IS a rather unique idea, but even with this the gameplay is repetitive. Also, in the third
level, having one man knocked out blasts you into the corner, making the game unplayable. The bullets don't work, and
the grenade is MUCH too slow to be useful. The interface is clumsy. Too much wrong.

Plot: 6/20
     -Like I said, the plot seems rather thrown on. It isn't elaborated at ALL.

Originality: 15/20
     -Well, this team gets points here because of the whole team aspect. The plot, however, is severely lacking.

Graphics: 5/15
     -Ugh. Not very pleasing to the eye at all.

Music: 0/10

Sound: 1/5

Final Notes:
     -Sorry, but I didn't like this one at all; it could have been much better, even in such a small timeframe.
     -404: Plot not found. A real cramp...

Total Score: 62/125

Entry 424: "Siphrian" (Rebirth)

Theme: 26/30
     -Vampirism is a rebirth... one that isn't apparent. Good job.

Gameplay: 12/25
     -One word: BROKEN. Liked the double-jump in the platform part.

Plot: 12/20

Originality: 13/20
     -Kill Satan. Heard it before.

Graphics: 10/15
     -The side-scrolling areas were Castlevania-esqe. Pretty good.

Music: 4/10
     -The mod included set the mood.

Sound: 0/5

Final Notes:
     -Broken too badly to be a good entry.

Total Score: 77/125

Entry 451: "Rebirth of Evil" (Rebirth)

Theme: 27/30
     -I like the whole project thing. Hmn... starfish regenerative abilities. I think earthworm DNA would work better
(maybe not, since earthworms aren't very complex). Well, anyway, the theme was fit nicely, although it was a bit

Gameplay: 16/25
     -It's rather simplistic. Three quick minigames, while good, have little if any replay value.

Plot: 13/20
     -Come on, only the cockiest of monsters would let others kill them at will. Doesn't the monster think that these people
have the intelligence to circumvent the whole regenerative thing? Oh well. What seems a ridiculous thing to me may be
unique to others.

Originality: 14/20
     -I liked the premise until the monster offered its...erm...challenge.

Graphics: 10/15
     -The monster scene was funny as heck. All other graphics were standard.

Music: 7/10
     -It was pretty good, and it wasn't ripped :P

Sound: 4/5

Final Notes:
     -What the heck? I still can't believe how cocky this monster is. And if it was made of "PURE EVIL", wouldn't it stab
the main characters in the back while they're performing their tasks, or something to that extent? Just a thought.
     -The distressed smileys remind me of bouncing cheese slices :P

Total Score: 91/125

Entry 494: "Rebirth: Revenge is Sweet" (Rebirth)

Theme: 25/30
     -The theme of Rebirth is fit by this entry, yes. Nothing special though.

Gameplay: 15/25
     -Inventory. Also, there is a fatal mislabeling error which prevents the player fromleaving the clothing store in
proper attire. A bit short.

Plot: 15/20
     -Kill your money-hungry wife that slayed you for your riches. The ending really gives this one some points :P

Originality: 14/20
     -The ending sure is original. No one will see it coming.

Graphics: 7/15
     -They are okay. They could have been less drab in my opinion. And the overlay engine left some ugly glitches.

Music: 3/10
     -Caverns. There's an intro mod though.

Sound: 0/5
     -None show up, not even PC speaker.

Final Notes:
     -Hrm, this game is... interesting. Not very fun in my opinion.

Total Score: 79/125

Entry 554: "Night of the Fronds" (Bloodthirsty Plants)

Theme: 26/30
     -Loved the way that the game STARRED a bloodthirsty plant. And, no other people decided to do this...

Gameplay: 9/25
     -Too short. What was there was interactive, but simple (just text descriptions). Two endings. And if you finish,
you are told a way to control the lightning. Nifty, pointless addon.

Plot: 18/20
     -Great plot. You play as the bloodthirsty plant. Every object interaction reinforces the plant's true disgust with

Originality: 16/20
     -Very original. Altered perspective is unique.

Graphics: 11/15
     -Polished. Good gfx overall (except one of the endings).

Music: 5/10
     -The one module used was good.

Sound: 2/5
     -The only sound, the lightning, was crisp and clear.

Final Notes:
     -TOO BLOODY SHORT! AUGH^*%&%%$%W^&
     -Great writing.

Total: 87/125

Entry 711: "711" (Bloodthirsty Plants)

Theme: 25/30
     -The theme is fit. Nothing special though.

Gameplay: 14/25
     -That damn sidekick kept shooting me. I ended up locking him in another room as I blasted the plants. Oh, the random
map was cool. I got stuck once, though. Traditional MZX shooting.

Plot: 13/20
     -Very confusing and sudden. :/

Originality: 11/20
     -Not all that original.

Graphics: 7/15
     -Reminds me of a 1996 smiley game.

Music: 3/10
     -AUGH! Ripped modules! We suggest tracking yourself or Modarchive for a reason...

Sound: 2/5
     -One sam, and it's new.

Final Notes:
     -Umn, I don't have any final notes, really.

Total Score: 75/125

Entry i: "COMMANDER bROTON in: Plant Problem" (Bloodthirsty Plants)

Theme: 16/30
     -The thing about the specific theme is, you have to make a game ABOUT bloodthirsty plants, not merely feature one.
This feature dropped this down a lot.

Gameplay: 15/25
     -The first game was the only one that worked. Scorch was bombed, and Battleship locked up near the end. Besides,
there wasn't much in the first place, even if it did all work.

Plot: 8/20
     -Really grasping for straws, now. Sorta ludicrous... and not in the good way.

Originality: 15/20
     -Okay, so it was original in a weird way. The whole bomb thing was funny. The author(s) were obviously struggling
though... REVERSE TIME DILATION? Oh well.

Graphics: 9/15
     -Pretty good. bROTON lives in a ZZT house (replete with yellow borders), locked behind 5 doors... man, he sure must be
worried about intruders :P

Music: 6/10
     -Resampling of Captain Proton samples. Erm, at least the music was homebrewed...

Sound: 4/5
     -Good sounds. Explosions and voice.

Final Notes:
     -Bleagh. Ripoff :P

Total Score: 73/125

Entry sqrt7: "Bloodthirsty Plantz!!!" (Bloodthirsty Plants)

Theme: 25/30
     -Pretty much the same level of adherence.

Gameplay: 19/25
     -Typo-ridden, but suprisingly a good game. Lots to do, and a fair amount of variation. The difficulty fluxuates a bit
much; the game is easy save that sewer cave maze :/

Plot: 13/20
     -Okay, the plot sucks. It's pretty trite. Oh well.

Originality: 15/20
     -Newbieism is fairly original in itself, I guess... and the game had a long stream of events and happenings which made
it more unique than most DoZs. Its length is an original thing in DoZs, as most DoZs are very short.

Graphics: 4/15
     -ZZT-like ^~^ Nothing impressive here.

Music: 7/10
     -I can tell you one thing: this game's soundtrack is going on my playlist. ^_^ The music's so bad that it's good, kinda
like Grey's US voice in Valkyrie Profile. Definitely unique.

Sound: 1/5

Final Notes:


Total: 74/125

Entry sqrt10: "Lillygrass" (Bloodthirsty Plants)

Theme: 25/30
     -Hrm, this fits. Nothing too spectacular or unexpected though.

Gameplay: 12/25
     -There was no gameplay, which is a shame. This looked like a good entry. Also, it had a critical bug which made the
player char disappear.

Plot: 16/20
     -Pretty interesting. Radio waves discontaining a genetic experiment... neet.

Originality: 14/20
     -It was okay... nothing too original.

Graphics: 10/15
     -Polished. Very good graphically, with a few cutscenes and those good 'ol Smiley RPG-style bobbing smileys :P
Rather empty screens.

Music: 8/10
     -Good; I rather liked it.

Sound: 1/5

Final Notes:
     -My shortest entry. Too short.

Total Score: 86/125


My rankings:

 		*	Rebirth		*	  Bloodthirsty Plants		*       Total DoZ 	*
		*			*					*			*
		*  #1. 	Team #-57	*    #1.  Team #311			*   #1.  Team #-57	*
		*  #2.  Team #242	*    #2.  Team #554			*   #2.	 Team #242	*
                *  #2.	Team #027	*    #3.  Team #sqrt10			*   #2.	 Team #027	*
		*  #4.	Team #451	*    #4.  Team #711	 		*   #4.	 Team #311	*
		*  #5.	Team #-77	*    #5.  Team #sqrt7			*   #5.	 Team #554	*
		*  #6.	Team #494	*    #6.  Team #i			*   #6.	 Team #451	*
		*  #7.	Team #424	*    #7.  Team #404			*   #7.	 Team #sqrt10	*
                *			*					*   #8.  Team #-77	*
		*****************************************************************   #9.	 Team #494	*
										*   #10. Team #424	*
										*   #11. Team #711	*	
										*   #12. Team #sqrt7	*
										*   #13. Team #i	*
										*   #14. Team #404	*
										*			*

All of these were played in MZXAk version of Megazeux.