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Revision as of 02:58, 20 January 2013 by KKairos (talk | contribs)
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Year Formed 2006
Year Disbanded Currently Active
Current Members KKairos
Former Members N/A

Aevaze is a MegaZeux company (or programming group) which currently consists of six members. Aevaze was formed in Summer 2006 as a result of KKairos, Xeirxes and Bramble's work on their Megazeux Trading Card Game project (now dissolved). Since its formation, Aevaze has released a total of seven games. While as far as is known everyone who's joined the company is still a "member", the only one currently active and releasing games under the Aevaze banner is KKairos.

Released games


They had an eponymous IRC channel on Espernet, but then they all stopped going there. They had a website which went down for some time due to the running-out of Xeirxes' website lease and the closing of Box43, but the site is now up again on Xeirxes' domain.

External Links

Aevaze Website