BKZX (short for Blitzkrieg Zeux) is a competition that takes place sporadically and at a moments notice, usually held on IRC or some other real-time medium. The competition usually lasts for only one hour, and the "host" chooses a topic (or occasionally two) for the competitors to follow. BKZX games are usually short, quickly crafted, and may exhibit major programming prowess (certain BkZXers are fond of this approach). They are often designed to be humorous and deliberately poor quality.
The most common judging system used in BKZXs is peer judging, where each competitor ranks every game but his own, and the person with the highest cumulative rank weighting wins. In the case of a tie, or when there are too few competitors for this system to work, the host looks over the disputed entries and quickly decides the winner of the competition.
The BKZX competitions have resulted in a few memorable games like Nancy Breakfast and PillowBan, which Insidious started making at the tail end of a bkzx and continued on making afterwards.
A live team BKZX was held for the first time ever, between guests at MZXCon. The results were humorously bad.
See Also
- Day of Zeux, a 24-hour competition that was created as an evolution of the BKZX