Name Author Released Rating DLs 
X-Com EngineJZig   77
Y2K Partyinmate2993 1999-12-27 157
Yoshi MZX PreviewChris Kohler1996-05-09 87
World's Drunkest SmileyXColX   62
War Arts: DefenderScott Barnes  73
Yellow Snow and the Seventh Dork (ver. 5.2)misterhaan 1997-08-21 96
Jay & Andrew vs. the Nazi Teacher Party (unfinished) (ver. 0.0)misterhaan 1997-09-05 72
Larry’s Adventure in: Happy Fairy Land (unfinished) (ver. 0.0)misterhaan 1997-09-05 77
Itch Quest IxBig_D1997-08-29 88
ExodusRalse1997-07-29 89
Escape from TaurusCastlevania   90
Final Search DemoEaston Blue 2001-12-22No reviews.83
Frostbite Part II DemoScott Vyper 2002-07-04 64
Joey's WorldBluep4 2002-08-27 84
Jail BrakeKoji   82
KM's Univers!KMSpill1996-04-24 212
KM's Univers! 2KMSpill1997-02-01No reviews.90
Unnamed Sidescrolling RPG DemoGalladin 2002-06-25No reviews.73
Unbalanced (Unfinished)KKairos 2001-01-00 69
Monochrome HorrorAir Bolt No reviews.70
MegaZeux Pinball TestYellofish Software  74
Maverick XXwing1056   79
Mathemagicsinmate2993 2001-08-20 103
Life of Mr. ASCII, Theweasel   96
Leper's AIsLeper_Mess  No reviews.59
Luminance (Incomplete)Esdemo1/Alucard967  72
Zeuxepic Ep.2XColX 2000-07-29 81
Zeuxepic Ep.3Selan p 2000-08-19 75
Zeuxepic Ep.4Aeon17 2000-08-26 74
Tamagotchi (French)SHLACK No reviews.79
Telecrisisweasel   77
Toxik TalesNoahSoft 2001-12-02 78
Time of Treachery, TheXwing1056  No reviews.84
NoahSoft AnthologyNoahSoft   74
Nocturne DemoAnthony Aybar 2002-09-21 68
Project Difa Public Alpha EditionBiGBuBBa 2000-07-19No reviews.93
Revvy Who Stole Christmas, TheRevvy 2001-12-26 145
Zeux 1: Labrynth of Zeux (ver. 2.21)tromdage 1996-12-01 391
HalloweenSci-freak 2002-11-01 77
Hellpit 5 Part 1StryderGoo1999-03-06 84
Hercules: The Thirteenth Labormisterhaan 1996-08-08 85
Hidden Intentions Demo (ver. 0.00923)weasel 2001-11-30 70
Hidden Anomaly, AHoof   94
Game of Horse, AKathrine Mancuso2000-09-13 83
Game That's COOF, ALEDR TWITSHED 2001-03-31 74
Genre MakerKKairos 2001-09-00 84
Gobble GobbleRoSS 2002-11-29 77
Grand Mage, TheNewt1999-04-10 94
Goferdude Collectiongofer-chan 2002-07-25 79
Guzsos 2Morgzx2001-01-29 110