Demos, incomplete games, and packs of demos/incomplete games. Many games in this section were never completed. The content here is NOT free-to-copy for your own games unless it explicitly states otherwise.


Name Author Released Rating DLs 
Aadasia DemoDchewer 1997-02-19 97
Beat: A Froggy Game (Project Dump)Duhreetoh 1998-06-12 103
Bloodgate DemoTom Ivey1996-09-06 95
Oath DemoCaleb Seibert1999-04-18 80
Orb of the Twisted Demo, TheLegendd1997-01-17 95
Worped DemoTox   81
Collapse Demoemegas 1998-02-09 79
Darkening, The (ver. 2.3)Harlander 1999-05-27 86
Demon Earth DemoNytar   78
Diamond Star DemoSelan p 2000-10-13 80
Quest of Durin, The (Prerelease Public Beta) (ver.  0.1.9610)myth1996-10-12 97
MegaMan: GearsAtmo   101
No Go Zone Demo, TheShloobeR 2000-10-14 73
Ryan DemoDuhreetoh 1998-02-22 79
TeeVee PreviewSai'ke and Lord Ratio2000-09-11 81
TGOMDDAD DemoWondercow1996-11-25 82
Sivion (unfinished)Monthigos 1997-10-27 122
Slimed! Demo (ver. 0.3)Creator  94
Kalypsian Legends DemoZzCrook 2002-07-29 70
Luminance (Incomplete)Esdemo1/Alucard967  72
Hidden Anomaly, AHoof   94
Snarfoogle 2: Warp (ver. Demo 2)cheezit200   135
Stealth Boy DemoFighter_Phil 2005-03-15 61
Bazooka Bear: Rescuing Pete Demomerder 2005-05-14 92
Experimental DemosNytar 2005-07-10 77
Fusion DemoCastlevania 2001-03-17 77
Lazyness DemoRadioactiveKitten   75
Wired Demo, TheDiamond 2002-12-23 96
Unique Slideshow #2Rawhide C   78
Joe Shmoe: Savior of Shoes (Demo)Nahah 2006-01-14 63
IsolationShloobeR 2006-03-10 79
Geneva DemoMicah 2006-05-22 82
Squirm Wars 2 (Demo)T-Bone 2006-06-17 71
Shooting Game DemoNytar 2006-12-16 81
Zeuxlings (Demo)Sai'ke   89
Bungle in the Jungle dumpGalladin 2016-04-06 85
sleepdrm failure files (ver. 0.2)KKairos 2017-01-31 46
Zane: Professional Idiot DemoDuhreetoh 1999-02-21 94
Quest for the Nobles DemoJubal Scharold  67
Rebirth Machine DemoSeventh Shade 2005-04-19 95
XenogenesisAutumn Dreams1997-04-13 246
ASCII Robowars 3D Demo Re-Release (ver. 0.9)Gemini 2001-04-15 267
Banana Boy Demo (ver. 2)Legendd1997-11-17 286
Booshkies Demo (Original) (ver. 2)Duhreetoh 1998-02-16 209
Booshkies Demo (Reboot)Duhreetoh 1999-05-06 186
Gemini's StockpileGemini 2001-06-30 159
Final Fantasy: Dynasty Prelude PreviewAkwende   118
Shining Legend DemoWaka  114
Spongko's Legendary Journey DemoEon Entertainment  188
Adlo EP DemocraNKGod 2002-06-10 209