Frozen Cow Industries

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Frozen Cow Industries
Year Formed 2002
Year Disbanded ??
Current Members Shloober
The Finnards
Former Members Zell_1388

Frozen Cow Industries is a joke company created by Shloober. It was at its "prime" in 2002-2004, with lots of hype and conversation, but mention of it nowadays is almost nonexistent.


This is actually not entirely true, Frozen cow industries was first created in 2001 and was originally a Real-as-they-come MZX company, comprising of, you guessed it, just me (Shloober). I think that was even back when I was known as Tecki, the reason for this was to 'promote' my newest game called, for some reason, Zrdok. It was my most ambitious project since A begie Game.

After a while I Got bored of Zrdok and decided to make Frozen cow industries into something of a gimmick company, I didn't think it would catch on as quickly as it did and so I was taken back when we even had a 'WEBSAIT'.

Frozen cow industries is still alive and technically producing games, although I assume I'm the only one who actually makes anything, but I have made a PHAT new logo for it!

A begie game will be released under Frozen Cow Industries.

Also there are like 25 honorary members including, but not limited to: Ler, Insidious, Micah, Xeirxes... If you want to belong to the phattest MZX group in town then you know where to turn.

Bold text' - FCI.. it's good because it's frozen and also because it's a cow - '

Released Games

External Links

Frozen Cow Industries Website