The Finnards

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The "Finnards" is the collective name for the Finnish MegaZeuxers Galladin, Jester, and Jauhis. Other Finnish MegaZeuxers exist (such as Ghent and Leper_Mess) but the Finnards knew each other in real life and often worked together.


The Finnards joined the MZX community and DigitalMZX boards in 2002, and formed their MZX company called Rune Creations. The only game released under Rune Creations was the demo version of "Dungeons of Kalborn". In 2003 Jester and Galladin joined the Interactive Fantasies, shortly followed by Jauhis. While in IF, they released 3 finished games; Zombie Quest, Call of Caethrath, and a remake of Idiopolis.




  • Random Dice Engine

Competition games