Really good of you to add the dMZX link, but I'm pretty sure my spelling was fine, or at the least that "an" is acceptable preceding the acronym MZX. If I weren't abbreviating I would've said "a MegaZeux game" but it actually sounds more correct, at least to me, to use "an" when you're saying "MZX." Since there seems to be a difference of opinion I think some contributor who's not one of us should weigh in.
--SSoriak 23:43, 23 October 2006 (CDT)
It's usually "an" before a singularly-pronounced letter, even if it's a consonant. Why? If pronounciation phonetics show the pronounciation of a standalone letter containing a vowel at the beginning (in this case, "em" for M), use "an". If still a consonant in front ("bee" for B, for example) use "a". Therefore, " MZX game..." would be the correct case.
--Terryn 23:51, 23 October 2006 (CDT)
Thanks for the clarifications Terryn.
--T-Bone6 1:34, 24 October 2006 (EST)