DoZ Drama

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Day of Zeux Drama is the phenomenon by which MegaZeuxers who participate in, judge or host a Day of Zeux competition create drama from disputes about rules, judging results.

Summer 2009 DsDoZ

In the Summer 2009 Dualstream Day of Zeux, LogiCow provided the obligatory DoZ drama, posting a lengthy complaint about the DoZ before the dust had even settled, and Leaving In A Huff. His game was the one disqualification in the competition, on counts of theme relevance, and of failing to run in MZX 2.82b (since he had produced it in the SVN development version). This resulted in LogiCow leaving forever (but not really). Additionally, maxim felt that KKairos had exercised bad judgment in rating Goshi's entry, Paranoid Heavens, higher than his entry Achtung; KKairos agreed that this was probably incorrect.

The debate preceding that same Day of Zeux, over the score-sheet changes in the main Day of Zeux thread of competitions (whether the theme-lite and theme-heavy scoresheets should be tied to the concrete and abstract topics, respectively) provided some amount of Day of Zeux drama.

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