Demos, incomplete games, and packs of demos/incomplete games. Many games in this section were never completed. The content here is NOT free-to-copy for your own games unless it explicitly states otherwise.


Name Author Released Rating DLs 
Isle of DragonsSteven Richmond  71
Gemini's MZX JunkGemini 2000-12-31 84
Hiklo DemoMorgzx  75
Elements DemoDregs177  77
Empire Part I: DiscoveryTHKirk & Daniel Simpson1997-12-13 88
fejjnessfejjy   89
Final Quest IILou Mancilla  81
Flameblade DemoPermanente  71
Freddy Democheezit200   90
Magik: The Legendgokachu   68
Magix Quest DemoLc3   90
Merlin Demofejjy 1998-07-24 83
MystikCastlevania   68
Necromancy (ver. Public Beta)Janus1998-05-03 87
Nightmare CastleThundercloud   73
Ninja's Game Demo (ver. 1.1)megaboy2400 2000-10-07 69
Nova Force Demo (ver. Demo 2)Padogle 2000-09-16 112
Realms of the Undead Democoolzx  72
Robo Run Demoplant1999-07-01 68
ThukerDood882795  71
Timescape DemoAdam Haverstock  74
TwistedTox   61
Smiley KnightsTriterra  64
South Park DemoStewart Fullerton & James Greenwood  70
Space Station 2: Planetary Warp (demo)Sonic1126 2000-08-21 79
Jimmy DemoSlinky Games  70
New Dawn Demo, ALostOne 2002-11-01 68
Jonah DemoBramble 2004-12-16 65
Silent Death DemoRazerboy   65
Alkanon 1: Journey to Alkanon DemoChristopher Kennard2001-02-04 78
Allista (Beta)Omega 2000-10-08 78
Yoshi MZX PreviewChris Kohler1996-05-09 87
War Arts: DefenderScott Barnes  73
Jay & Andrew vs. the Nazi Teacher Party (unfinished) (ver. 0.0)misterhaan 1997-09-05 72
Larry’s Adventure in: Happy Fairy Land (unfinished) (ver. 0.0)misterhaan 1997-09-05 77
Frostbite Part II DemoScott Vyper 2002-07-04 64
Unbalanced (Unfinished)KKairos 2001-01-00 69
Nocturne DemoAnthony Aybar 2002-09-21 68
School Sucks DemoTeevee  83
Super ADVenture: The Journey Home (ver. 2.3)STRIKESOFT1996-01-27 74
Cyborg Hunter Demo (ver. 1.2)Scott Barnes1997-04-05 74
Dragon Slayer DemoGame master pro 2005-03-23 61
Starforce: Space AdventureMegaKev  72
Gameboy Adventure Demopaulguy 2005-06-10 81
VIR.01aasterick   70
Phil_1 DemoFighter_Phil 2005-08-13 63
Gemguy DemoRazerboy 2002-11-25 74
Game, AJwar2000-04-11 78
Cat Game 1: The Chase DemoKMSpill1996-07-29 79
Diablo IIBugspray1998-04-11 85