Name Author Released Rating DLs 
High On Lifepaulguy 2005-04-16 82
Rebirth Machine DemoSeventh Shade 2005-04-19 95
Q*Bert: Time Attackpaulguy 2005-04-23 76
Engine 1 Remixdjtiesto 2005-04-29 302
Zombie's Collectionzombieguy 2005-05-03 83
Bazooka Bear: Rescuing Pete Demomerder 2005-05-14 92
Dot GameLogiCow 2005-05-18 71
MegaMan MZX DemoNedemai 2005-05-27 97
Bramblekid's Stack of MZX GamesBramble 2005-06-01No reviews.84
Slider PuzzleRatoN 2005-06-06No reviews.77
ThingsDr Lancer-X 2005-06-07 82
Gooby Doobbad banana 2005-06-09 76
Forrester (ver. 1.3)inmate2993 2005-06-09 826
Gameboy Adventure Demopaulguy 2005-06-10 81
Day of Zeux InvitationLogiCow 2005-06-16 91
Treasures & MonstersMr Goof 2005-06-21 81
ASCII Puzzle GameCJA 2005-06-24 367
Tina's Taxi GameCherry Cotton 2005-06-30 67
Cheese's AdventureLogiCow 2005-07-03 196
Experimental DemosNytar 2005-07-10 77
PongKoji 2005-07-17 74
PongLogiCow 2005-07-18 76
Exophase Birthday Gameasgromo 2005-08-12 94
Phil_1 DemoFighter_Phil 2005-08-13 63
Silenceweasel 2005-09-08 70
Pirates Versus NinjasVarious People2005-09-18 108
Aura MZXDr_Dos 2005-09-27 276
Random Maze IINytar 2005-10-01 88
Paint Ball ArenaRed Penguin 2005-10-17 74
Pirate Game DemoMicah 2005-10-17 76
Evil Defence, TheRed Penguin 2005-10-18 77
Pegs DemoMicah 2005-10-29 82
Find the Toilet Adventurecommodorejohn 2005-11-09 90
MegaZeux CHIP-8 EmulatorMr_Alert 2005-11-24No reviews.90
Endless Journey, The (Project Dump) (ver. Project Dump)Hoof 2005-11-25No reviews.126
ZeuxNAXHoof 2005-11-25 153
MegaZeux Superstar IIVeloso 2005-12-01 109
Kill 'Em All!Nedemai 2005-12-07 99
Kitscher KroobleTox 2005-12-09 77
StemiltBramble 2005-12-13 62
Will You DoZ?Bramble 2005-12-13 66
Short-Lived Adventures of Hobo Dan, Thehob nado 2005-12-15 311
DoZ or DieLogiCow 2005-12-21 97
MZX Su DokuFuriKuri 2005-12-22No reviews.65
Nonsense 3 DemoCastlevania 2006-01-06 175
Random Game MiniRed Penguin 2006-01-10 77
Harry Potter Game, ABramble and Bramble's brother2006-01-13 80
Joe Shmoe: Savior of Shoes (Demo)Nahah 2006-01-14 63
TowerBramble 2006-01-25 72
Lancer's Crappy Puzzle ThingDr Lancer-X 2006-02-02 115