Name Author Released Rating DLs 
SpellWeavreSpellWeavre 1997-01-19No reviews.26
Mines of Colloch, TheSpellWeavre   74
Forest of ElvesSpellWeavre 1995-11-22 99
Beyond Reality: The Future ProjectSpellWeavre 1997-03-25 102
Mega BlastSpectere   73
Insane WorldSparker   88
Virus, TheSoviet Software  103
Sonic's QuestSonic64  80
Rydia's JourneySonic64  77
Space Station 2: Planetary Warp (demo)Sonic1126 2000-08-21 79
Space Station (demo)Sonic1126 2000-03-29 69
Civil War 2040someone13 2000-03-30 86
TriumphSol Productions No reviews.72
MarioMZX DemoSmartRutter 2006-07-06 92
Town of MZXSmallhacker 2003-01-19 95
Bears 2 DemoSliver2000-07-28No reviews.92
BearsSliver2000-03-04 99
Jump n BumpSlinky Games No reviews.72
Jimmy DemoSlinky Games  70
FunlandSlinky Games2004-03-25 67
Stair DismountSlinky   62
ComfatSkylark 2003-06-30 69
Ogre CavesSkull Games2004-01-01 69
Bucketfoot 3DSkeptySoft  81
Gadget Fever DemoSin Reaped1995-11-22 78
Zeuxepic Ep.1Sim9 / Tixus2000-07-13 74
Legend of Fallow Demo (ver. Demo)Sidewinder 2006-02-06No reviews.68
Disaster, TheSidewinder 2004-02-24No reviews.82
Begie Game: Begie's Glorious Adventure (Incomplete) (ver. Project Dump)ShloobeR 2011-01-30No reviews.145
Tearaway (ver. Project Dump)ShloobeR 2009-01-11 134
Shloober Stockpile 2: BrainFartShloobeR 2008-01-01 56
Shloober Stockpile 1: ClockTowerShloobeR 2008-01-01No reviews.60
IsolationShloobeR 2006-03-10 79
ZombeezShloobeR 2002-04-08 129
THHHHHHG TeaserShloobeR 2005-03-29 74
No Go Zone Demo, TheShloobeR 2000-10-14 73
23 Horribly Boring GamesShloobeR 2001-05-28 144
Tamagotchi (French)SHLACK No reviews.79
Old School MZX Demoshades 2003-02-13 56
Neo Blaster 2 DemoSeventh Shade 2006-03-10 69
Ye Olde Crappy DemosSeventh Shade 2004-01-29No reviews.74
Rebirth Machine DemoSeventh Shade 2005-04-19 95
Neo Blaster XSeventh Shade   89
Behind Blue Eyes: Impactor (Demo)Selan p  No reviews.82
Zeuxepic Ep.3Selan p 2000-08-19 75
Diamond Star DemoSelan p 2000-10-13 80
NiftoScribbit / LEDR TWITSHED / Goldenhog  97
Scribbit's Mini GameScribbit  94
Ice Planet: KMC VersionScribbit2000-01-10 201
Disturbing BobScribbit  169